ICE BAHN - 宣誓 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский ICE BAHN - 宣誓

Declaration / Oath
宣誓 我々ICE BAHNはこのMICに賭ける事を誓います
Oath / Declaration: We, ICE BAHN, swear to stake our lives on this MIC.
May 2013, ICE BAHN
常に主導権握り仕掛ける頭脳戦 あらゆるツボ押せるポッセ 降臨
We are the ICE BAHN, always at the forefront with a tactical victory, a posse that attacks any weak points, here to be a savior.
あなたの前に 新たなIB We are オリジナル神奈川スタイリー
In front of you is the new IB, we are the original stylistic flagships from Kanagawa, fighting the good fight.
直線コーナー 登り勾配 乗り越えて応える特製オーダー
Although we go through twists, turns, ups, and downs, we deliver on our special orders.
0から1を生む極限状態 消化してこそHlPHOPでしょうが
Creating something from nothing in a polarizing state, is what it means to be a true rapper.
We don't need a script for our crazy, creative junk food.
Any pushback we face, we will turn around and use to our advantage, to propel us even further.
BEAT overlord ON THE SET.
お幾ら?路地裏のミュージック ルービックキュービックより
What's the price? The music of back alleys is more convoluted than a Rubik's cube.
The exquisite show is over, but it's up to the members to determine the encore.
Which maze's exit will we emerge from, and how will we greet you?
団結 実行 マナー 沈黙 簡潔 実証 サマー 仁徳
Unity, action, manners, silence, brevity, demonstration, summer, virtue.
実験 提案 気迫 役割 実戦 計算 自発 脈有り
Experimentation, proposal, fervor, role, practice, calculation, volunteering, lively.
You control the female gender characters, both Chinese characters and katakana, how will they make you feel?
大義はIB 前見なヤバイ韻 学も無え覚悟で何も無いアンモナイ
Our cause is IB, looking forward to the wicked rhymes, even with no education and nothing but reckless courage.
SOUND HlLLSダンディズム ー旦居留守 愛す晩印す
SOUND HILLS dandyism - I am staying here for now, loving the late seal, hating the late seal.
問いかけるHIP HOP STILL B-BOY太い賭けー本の天坪棒
Ask HIP HOP STILL B-BOY, a big bet on the scales of justice.
全人ロ 巻き込む遠心力 不言実行貫く24/7
Momentum that drags people in, unwavering execution 24/7.
人から人へと伝えるイロハ リスクもいとわず全てフイードバック
We share our knowledge from person to person, we embrace the risks, and we always take feedback into account.
始めるぜキットが玉露 FORK 奉行ビートバック
Ready to start, Jade GREEN FORK overlord beat back.
Real junk is becoming rhyme and rap.
シンドラーみたくリス卜アップ 俺の目には映る下衆な音のケツが
Just like Schindler, I'll raise the listener up, my eyes can see through the despicable sounds.
だからプレイクダウン すぺて決断してブレず 頑固に腕つかむ
So, let's break it down, I make all the decisions, don't lose my way, I stubbornly hang on.
このナンバー要チエックだ いつでもリスター卜継密なトリックが
You need to check out this number, there are always new tricks for eager listeners.
このシーンのビッグバン ビックアー卜 ノーインスタン卜
This is the scene's big bang, the big art, no instant.
Hip hop will make you freeze, babe.

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