Iris - Nu vor - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Iris - Nu vor

Nu vor
They Won't See
Nu vor
They Won't See
Si maine a fost o zi...
And tomorrow was another day...
De dimineata am descoperit uimit
In the morning I discovered amazed
Cum merg pe sarma
How I walk on the wire
Cu un echilibru fantastic!
With fantastic balance!
Mirare este numele tau prietene!
Wonder is your name, my friend!
Cum vremea este acum pentru saltimbanci,
How the weather is now for acrobats,
Pentru masti cu chip de farduri nins
For masks with faces of snowy makeup
Si fara nici o vina...
And without any guilt...
Este ziua ce ar fi fost...
It's the day that would have been...
Nu vor sa vada ca ce va fi maine
They don't want to see that what will be tomorrow
A fost demult
Was long ago
Nu vor sa creada ce senzatie am
They don't want to believe what sensation I have
Cand plutesc deasupra tuturor
When I float above everyone
Intr-un dans pe sarma perfect intinsa!
In a dance on a perfectly stretched wire!
Si daca vrei prietene in arena cu mine sa vii
And if you want, my friend, to come to the arena with me
Alunga-ti grija!- Toti vor plati bilete
Chase away your worries! - Everyone will pay tickets
Ca sa ne vada cum mergem
To see us walk
Pe sarma perfect intinsa
On the perfectly stretched wire
Cu un echilibru fantastic!
With fantastic balance!
De dimineatza am descoperit toate lucrurile acestea!
In the morning I discovered all these things!

Авторы: Valter Popa

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