ix! - Avui Sí - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский ix! - Avui Sí

Avui Sí
Today Yes
La sinergia és al teu costat
Synergy is on your side
Tot radia profund
Everything radiates deeply
Jo conec la mirada que fas
I know the look you have
Quan estàs tan amunt
When you are so high up
Tant de temps esperant assecat i allargat desert
So much time waiting in a dried up and prolonged desert
Finalment ja pots dir que això ja ha canviat
Finally you can say that this has changed
Que ja és passat
That it is the past
I tot per que avui
And all because today yes
Es veia a venir
It was coming
Avui no pot fallar
Today it cannot fail
Segur que et farà de tot avui
It will surely do everything for you today
Dius que soles ja es posen a to
You say that on their own they already get in tune
Mai no s′han d'apressar
They should never rush
Que la causa i el cosmos llunyà
That the cause and the distant cosmos
Ja treballen per tu
Already work for you
Però veus homes que van enganyant a tot drap
But you see men who deceive at every turn
Tirans! quan els ve de gust
Tyrants! When it pleases them
Tu ho entens, si elles tarden una mica més a dir-te res
You understand, if they take a little longer to tell you anything
Però jo que avui
But I know that today yes
Anirem tots al cel
We will all go to heaven
I no s′han de pansir
And they should not worry
Les flors que fan pom al teu jardí
The flowers that bloom in your garden
Ja s'acaba la mala estrugança
The bad luck is over
Ja s'acaba el tortuós destí
The tortuous destiny is over
Que aparcava l′amor a la panxa
That parked love in the belly
De fa tant temps
For so long
No saps com esperava el dia d′avui
You do not know how I have been waiting for this day
Descansarà la fera
The beast will rest
Serà com la primera, sí!
It will be like the first time, yes!
Oh oh, oh oh oh
Oh oh, oh oh oh
Oh oh
Oh oh
Oh oh, oh oh oh
Oh oh, oh oh oh
Oh oh
Oh oh

Авторы: David Mullor, Eduard Gonzalez

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