Ical Mosh - Luka - перевод текста песни на английский

Luka - Ical Moshперевод на английский

Sangkakala on the track
Sangkakala on the track
Ku masih menanti hadir mentari
I’m still waiting for the sun to rise
Setelah habis pulangnya rembulan
After the moon has set
Apalah ada pada Zahir ini
What is there in this world
Jika hari esok
If tomorrow
Tak yakin lagi aku kan rindukan
I’m not sure I will miss it
Luka, luka yang tak akan padam
The wound, the wound that will never heal
Sukar, ku mahu keluar
It’s hard, I want to get out
Kemukakan apa yang ku rasa
Express what I feel
Ku bukakan segala celaka
I open up all the disasters
Segala celaka
All the disasters
Tak perlu tahu
You don't need to know
Tak perlu engkau ambik tahu
You don't need to care
Aku selesa dengan cara hidup aku
I'm comfortable with the way I live
Semua susah senang masa aku hadap dulu
I'll face all the ups and downs first
Tak perlu mengaku family
No need to pretend to be family
Aku anggap semua dah mati
I consider everyone dead
Semua tinggal memori
All that remains is memory
Tinggal hanya memori
All is just a memory
Bangsat, si bangsat ni dah berjaya
Bastard, this bastard has succeeded
Yang dulu kau maki hamun
The one you used to curse and swear at
Sekarang ni orang puja
Now, people worship him
Jangan silap pandang
Don't be mistaken
Bukan aku yang berubah
It’s not me who’s changed
Tapi kiri kanan aku
But my surroundings
Waktu aku jatuh duduk bawah
When I fell, I sat down
Makin ramai pijak aku
More people stepped on me
Waktu kau ketawa ramai kawan baik
When you laugh, you have many good friends
Tapi bukan semua mahu engkau naik
But not all of them want you to succeed
Ramai berbual kontol banyak sangat konek
Many talk crap, have a lot of connections
Jadi biarkan aku sendiri disini
So, let me be alone here
Meniti sisa hidup ini
Waiting for the rest of my life
Biarkan aku bersendirian
Let me be alone
Ku masih menanti hadir mentari
I’m still waiting for the sun to rise
Setelah habis pulangnya rembulan
After the moon has set
Apalah ada pada Zahir ini
What is there in this world
Jika hari esok
If tomorrow
Tak yakin lagi aku kan rindukan
I’m not sure I will miss it
Luka, luka yang tak akan padam
The wound, the wound that will never heal
Sukar, ku mahu keluar
It’s hard, I want to get out
Kemukakan apa yang ku rasa
Express what I feel
Ku bukakan segala celaka
I open up all the disasters
Segala celaka
All the disasters
Dulu siapa bilang
Who was it who said
Kalau keputusan aku tak cemerlang
If my results are not good
Masa depan aku gelap takkan terang
My future will be dark and hopeless
Mungkin hayatku berakhir tepi longkang
Maybe my life will end by the gutter
Guess what? Lu bukan tuhan
Guess what? You're not God
Kau sekadar anjing yang tak mengenal tuan
You're just a dog who doesn't know its master
Dulu aku fikir dan fikir
Before, thought and thought
Tak mampu lagi bertahan
I can't take it anymore
Sebab apa yang kau cakap
Because what you said
Tak boleh hapus di fikiran
I can't get it out of my mind
But, aku masih di sini
But, I'm still here
Aku masih di sini
I'm still here
Aku masih lagi mampu bertahan
I can still endure
Walau hidup penuh kecelakaan
Although life is full of accidents
Even, ramai sembang kepala buto
Even, many talk nonsense
Konon kerja dengan orang radio
Supposedly working with a radio person
Mintak buat show tapi tak dapat duit
Asking to do a show but didn't get paid
Yang datang support pon awek tayang burit
The ones who came to support are just girls showing off their butts
Yang nak datang ikut tu konon trending
The ones who want to come and follow are supposedly trending
Mana tau konek dato boleh landing
Who knows, maybe a connection with a dato
Organizer semua asyik kejar branding, oh-oh
All the organizers just chase branding, oh-oh
Aku dah bosan
I'm tired
Jadi tolong biar aku ikut cara aku
So, please, let me do it my way
Apa aku buat semua mintak tolong
Whatever I do, I ask for help from everyone
Jangan ambil tahu
Don't care
Ku masih menanti hadir mentari
I’m still waiting for the sun to rise
Setelah habis pulangnya rembulan
After the moon has set
Apalah ada pada Zahir ini
What is there in this world
Jika hari esok
If tomorrow
Tak yakin lagi aku kan rindukan
I’m not sure I will miss it
Luka, luka yang tak akan padam
The wound, the wound that will never heal
Sukar, ku mahu keluar
It’s hard, I want to get out
Kemukakan apa yang ku rasa
Express what I feel
Ku bukakan segala celaka
I open up all the disasters
Segala celaka
All the disasters

Авторы: Tadeu Mathias De Araujo, Suzanne Vega, Fabio Keldani Raphael

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