ILL YES - S.Y.C - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский ILL YES - S.Y.C

3lache tedenna ay kahla mena
Why are you wearing blue from head to toe?
Nowedtni ki 7la lemnam
You woke me up from a sweet sleep
Hata ndji nrahlek mena w nzid nhattmek kima Ahlamna
So I can take some of it away from you and add enough to make you dream like we did
Fe d′har klite l7amna dja n'har li tet9eyah youled
On the back of every word of truth, there's a day you expect a child to be born
Lewla w lakhra ma touled
First and last, you won't give birth
Son nachid: ghazwet Newland
The name of the anthem: the conquest of Newland
Reyah 3aqel w ghani tes mélodies f rap bayen chkoun numéro 10
Rational mind, rich melodies in rap, it's clear who's number 10
Bon sang! mor ma neznik fhad el
Damn! After I fuck in this
Morceau ydirouh bande son l film érotique
Track, they'll make it the soundtrack of an erotic film
M3a les victimes nzid numerotik wahdi effectif théorie w pratique
With the victims, I'll add your number, effective theory and practice
Sra déclic ma yselkouk tes clics
A click is enough, your clicks won't save you
Mandirch pic lik ana nedik pique nique
I don't send you a pic, I take you on a picnic
Ana habite les billets violets w nta habitni f beat
I live for purple bills, and you live in the beat
Neviolik ki yet7att assmi
Neviolik who's name is engraved
Fou9 tabla da7 b ta carrière machi ghir couplet
On the table, I'm laughing at your career, not just a verse
Bech doubler oublie
To double, forget it
Right or wrong, bin lila w nhar welite King Kong
Right or wrong, between night and day, you became King Kong
Mais el karma boomerang ydor ydji f wedjhek Mowgli
But karma is a boomerang, it will come back to you, Mowgli
Djeldek yetguetta3 f kol star demek yguettar ettih star
Your grandfather is reflected in every star, that means he's watching and giving you a star
YES barbare 3ayech sbar bark mantela3ch el niveau nkessar la barre
YES is barbaric, living patiently, thankfully I don't raise the level to break the bar
Ghir towell le7bell, ktiba abar ki d′heb lek7al hott el katiba a part
Just extend the rope, write a letter with gold ink, put the writing aside
J'ai pas le choix texte tibia fel mâchoire
I have no choice, the text is stuck in my jaw
Bini w binek marahch ykoune ma3bar
Between you and me, there will never be a bridge
Mamchinach ble même pas, ma3adnech le même poids
We don't walk the same path, we don't have the same weight
Machi le même classement, machi les mêmes points
Not the same ranking, not the same points
Machi le même parcours
Not the same journey
2 mixtapes ntaya wahda même pas
2 mixtapes, I don't even have one
9alou Ostorap aya edrob dora ztalha
They said Ostorap is coming, take a tour and steal it
Banetlou la prochaine ghir ostorha
I swear to them the next one is just a story
Matihch 3lina dba3 bin les loups
Don't die on us, a sheep among wolves
Li hab el hila methalbinlou ferre9 bin nhar w bin lilou
Those who love the trick are asking us to differentiate between day and night
Bin Tintin w bin Milou, eq3od ghir nta nta w jamais tmil ow
Between Tintin and Milou, just stay you and never imitate
Djay ne9ssed flkewdjah ne9ssef
The DJ slows down, I slow down
Kolna rap bhar w anaya el 9orssane
We all rap at sea, and I'm the pirate
Koul track thoto rak aand les vrais qimtek tzid ghir fel no9ssane
Every track you release, your value increases only in the eyes of the real ones
ouais mon pote! hadi hiya teghlat to9sa
Yeah, my friend! This is the mistake of underestimation
Khrebt fiya djbedt el assem dja fik el sahm
I messed you up, pulled out the root, the arrow is already in you
Kolna kane tawado3 jamais kane no9ssane
We were all humble, never lacking
Wesh edak tekhreb fe sba3 li kane saket
What do you think you're destroying in the one who was silent?
Matehkich 3la el ghaba w nta fiha insecte
Don't laugh at the forest while you're an insect in it
Style ta3ek 5 et 38 ana stylo ta3i rayeh 357
Your style is 5 and 3 8, my style is going 357
Kayen l'alcool kayen l′absinthe
There's alcohol, there's absinthe
Kayen rap s3ib kayen rap sahel
There's hard rap, there's easy rap
Kayen texte bir w kayen texte simple
There's deep text, there's simple text
Stylo Cathéter f sang taleg essem
Catheter style in your blood, the name is attached
Jamais radite el disc mnhar li t3aksset
I'll never erase the disc the day it's scratched
El 3ib tdir battel jamais je l′accepte
The shame is to do a battle, I never accept it
Coupable teghla9 3lik el cercle w nta ghir coupa
Guilty, the circle closes on you, and you're just a glass
Ndjewzek cul-sec
We'll drink you bottoms up
Comptable o ma yetlefli hssab
An accountant, oh my, the account is messed up
Nass chahda khrebt fe chahda w ma3reft wesh 9arssek
People testified, messed up the testimony, and I don't know what bit you
F 9albek lehssed dayerli alf hsseb
Envy surrounds your heart, a thousand calculations
Kount dayrek ki saheb ana 3lik nebssem
I considered you a friend, I smile at you
Banetlek wasalt wana richa li kssebt
I let you know I made it, and I'm rich
Ya tfol fi9 ya tfol fi9 la yedkhol
Wake up, kid, wake up, don't let
Fik hata f l'autopsie l9aw train dahssek
Even in the autopsy, they'll find a train hit you
Tiki taka ana moul la balle
Tiki taka, I'm the owner of the ball
L3abt roulette russe w djate fik la balle
I played Russian roulette, and the bullet hit you
Machi ta3 harb ntaya taa Paintball
I'm not into war, I'm into paintball
L3abt roulette russe w djate fik la balle
I played Russian roulette, and the bullet hit you
3lik mahabitch mais sma3tek tghani Animals
I don't love you, but I heard you singing Animals
Fakartni fi ma bitch ki tkoli "YES ani manque". ani manque
You reminded me of my bitch when she said "YES, I miss you". I miss you
Carrément nchouf fik fel carré mort
I can clearly see you in the dead square
Mor had el son tebki "ani mort"
After this song you'll cry "I'm dead"
3lik mahabitch mais sma3tek tghani Animals
I don't love you, but I heard you singing Animals
Fakartni fi ma bitch ki tkoli "YES ani manque". ani manque
You reminded me of my bitch when she said "YES, I miss you". I miss you
Carrément nchouf fik fel carré mort
I can clearly see you in the dead square
Mor had el son tebki "ani mort"
After this song you'll cry "I'm dead"
Lyoum el comptable lbess combat comme d′hab
Today the accountant wears combat as usual
Tahet kelma lel combat makech comeback jamais tkoune Pac
Under every word for combat, it's not a comeback, you'll never be Pac
Jamais tcompare on passe b9it f rond point tdor fplasstek compa
Never compare, we pass, you stayed at the roundabout, spinning in your place, compa
Hssalt f impasse et le temps, jpense b stylo nta tekteb b Tampax
I felt stuck, and time, I think with a pen, you write with Tampax
YES! a.k.a Kunta jamais nkoune tayeh
YES! a.k.a Kunta, I'll never be lost
Qrib nkharedj el 9ontta f Disc Compact
I'm about to release the bomb in a Compact Disc
Tguesser maa inssane nosso mniyek
You're guessing with a human, we're half jinns
Soghri rah noss hitt noss omniyate
Little, go half, half are my wishes
Mazel mon cerveau 7ay nta lssanek miyet
Luckily my brain is alive, your tongue is dead
Tkeyef had texte ida khessatek kemya
Enjoy this text if your sensitivity is enough
Hnaya Luther King ytirrlo n3ass koon ydji ldzayer y3ich insomniaque
Here, Luther King would lose sleep, if he came to Algeria, he'd live with insomnia
Matmenitch kech nhar nkoune ton
Don't think any day I'll be your
Cauchemar mais wesh eddir ana holm l'insmniaque
Nightmare, but what do you want me to do, I'm the dream of the insomniac
Passé k7al Keita les rimes t9al e cahier ta7
Dark past, heavy rhymes, the notebook is worn out
Meskine t9ass Syc tar w YES yeb9a Ysayttar
Poor thing, you think Syc is late, and YES remains the master
Ki sable mouvant nebel3ek ki el Boa
Like quicksand, I'll swallow you like the Boa
Ak khasser d′avance YES Rocky Balboa
You already lost in advance, YES is Rocky Balboa
Me trig edit la force mach m les ados
I trigger edits, the force is not from teenagers
Kmite el rap w lyoum 3lik ani nbouwe9
I served rap, and today I bark at you
Syc star kolna YES trou noir
Syc is a star, we all know YES is a black hole
Rien de personnel djayek b 9alb byad
Nothing personal, I come with a white heart
Mais f ta carrière neb9alek point noir
But in your career, I'll remain a black spot
Sghar tnessa9 w nta reyah tlessa9 loco b loca
Little ones forget, and you, the wind forgets, crazy with crazy
Chri golf, cha rak tgol Chicago w tatouage taht el cagoule
Buy a golf, what are you saying Chicago, and a tattoo under the hood
Tkhayel f rohek Tony Montana
You imagine yourself as Tony Montana
Tekteb swaleh maandhom hata ma3na
You write weak words, they don't even have meaning
Ghar9ine fel fond nass li tesma3na
People who listen to us are drowning in the depths
Maandekch plassa fel monde ta3na
You have no place in our world
Sah yedjrah klami yrayer el disc
True, my words tear the disc
Brassard fyedi fel milieu 10
An armband on my arm, in the middle 10
Arwah n9arrik l'ego-trip petit
I stimulate souls, ego-trip, little one
W habess aalina l′ego strip-tease
And stop the ego strip-tease for us
Mat9issch el hema mena 7ar magma
Don't expect mercy from us, hot magma
Rabeh had el harb fiha har ragnar
Win this war in it, har ragnar
Hassel f newland t7allel "YES harragna"
Landed in newland, "YES we burned"
Taffi aalia el do dalma makhalatnich
The darkness above is high, it didn't affect me
Troh tdor tdor w twellili ki el frisbee
You go round and round and come back to me like a frisbee
Fakartni f mon ex mouda w mansatnich troh tdor tdor w tgarili fi z*
You reminded me of my ex, trendy and she forgot me, you go round and round and roll in z*
Li hab le3dab yesbarlo
Whoever wants suffering, let him bear it
Mtarraf el rap YES baron
I'm flooding rap, YES is a baron
YES kima errayes hareb aalik b 4 coups d'avance a la Gasparov
YES like the president, I'm attacking you 4 moves ahead like Kasparov
Ki nraper tesma3 el barood
When I rap, you hear the gunpowder
La rime ettaffi nari halef nehtafel mor ma tetfahem
The rhyme puts out the fire, I swear I'll celebrate after you understand
Nesnifi tes cendres fi mes narines
I sniff your ashes in my nostrils
S3ib aalik tedfen el hafla mayekfik 9bar ghir hfar cratère
It's hard for you to bury the party, a grave is not enough for you, just dig a crater
Matrabinach fel 5 étoiles edinahoum ghir fel crash-test
We didn't grow up in 5-star hotels, we only got them in the crash-test
Nbane f l'ego khatrate rafed matraque ngata3kom traf
I'm building in the ego because I got a baton, I'll cut you off
Yahakmek el trac ki nfakrek fe track
The track haunts you when I remind you of the track
Li kount tkoul fih ntaya "fuck trap"
In which you were saying "fuck trap"
B la voix hnina fakartni fles covers ta3 Mok Saib
With a sweet voice, you reminded me of Mok Saib's covers
Na9asst les lettres m assmek melyoum ysemouk Sy (sayi)
I removed the letters from your name, from today they call you Sy (sayi)
Wesh kho YSemouk SY wesh sahbi YSemouk Sayi
What's up bro, they call you SY, what's up dude, they call you Sayi
Wesh sy ysemouk sayi wesh sahbi ysemouk sayi
Is it Sy they call you sayi, is it dude they call you sayi
3lik mahabitch mais sma3tek tghani Animals
I don't love you, but I heard you singing Animals
Fakartni fi ma bitch ki tkoli "YES ani manque". ani manque
You reminded me of my bitch when she said "YES, I miss you". I miss you
Carrement nchouf fik fel carré mort
I can clearly see you in the dead square
Mor had el son tebki "ani mort"
After this song you'll cry "I'm dead"
3lik mahabitch mais sma3tek tghani Animals
I don't love you, but I heard you singing Animals
Fakartni fi ma bitch ki tkoli "YES ani manque". ani manque
You reminded me of my bitch when she said "YES, I miss you". I miss you
Carrement nchouf fik fel carré mort
I can clearly see you in the dead square
Mor had el son tebki "ani mort"
After this song you'll cry "I'm dead"
Ca fait longtemps thawess 3la el sentence, l wine biha rayeh?
You've been looking for the sentence for a long time, where are you going with it?
Machi nta li kolt fla tendance ghir lefdaye7
Didn't you say it's just a joke to be in the trend?
Guelleb el T-max nkhalik tayeh
Get out the T-max, I'll leave you lost
B9ite bla 9ima nkhalik daye3
You're worthless, I'll leave you lost
Ntaya li habite w doka ak t3ayet
I'm the one who lived, and now you're screaming
Djanaza fel beat demmek yettayer
A funeral on the beat, your blood is splattering
Tayeh PSycho ana el psychiatre
Lost Psycho, I'm the psychiatrist
Marhba bik djouz teddi dwak
Welcome, take your medication
Kotlek khtik lehdid wa3er reyah ghani bnifek hdidwane
I killed your sister, the iron, a rich mind, I smell iron in you
Style mesrou9 dédwanéh
Stolen style, cleared through customs
Son ydir el di9a
A song that makes noise
Flow met2atar bel 04 fuck off na3arfou el ha9i9a
A flow mixed with 04 fuck off, we know the truth
Maness7a9 hata 9ouwad ydji fel wasst madjal cha2ik
You don't deserve even a shoe to come in the middle, no room for you
Ak chayef ki nesme3ek traper
I already see when I hear you trap
Netkhaylek rafed stylo w techta7 Harlem Shake
I imagine you holding a pen and screaming Harlem Shake
Kount traper bien ki kount mahkoum b fil
You were a good trapper when you were sentenced to prison
Mais lyoum tguetta3 dkhalt lel ghaba li nta fiha guetta
But today you're free, you entered the forest where you're a watchman
- Khlas! Harlem Shake, Tmax ta7lo, guetta, bezzaf khlas,
- Enough! Harlem Shake, open the T-max, watchman, enough is enough,
Klashina ghir chwia, c′est bon Illyes, c′est bon bezzaf!
We clashed a little, it's good Illyes, it's good enough!
- Hadi w Sy (ça y est)
- This is it and Sy (that's it)
Et9abbel el wa9e3 Syc s3ib aalik tekteb 9sayed
Accept reality, Syc, it's hard for you to write stories
Frahnalek ki tla3 3li el do oumbaad tdor wtedena lel Dark Side
I was happy for you when you climbed to the top, suddenly you turned and went to the Dark Side
Hadi wssaya diha w sayi matejbedch assmi w tel3abha bete
This is a will, take it and sayi, don't pull my name and play with it
Conseil: ki tesma3 had el son kowev
Advice: when you listen to this song, recover
Rohek chgholrafed tarf w djouz 3la babek
Yourself, get a job, take a side and get married at your door
Aandek flow chbeb balek zid med sens l tes mots
You have a young flow, your mind, add meaning to your words
Wesh djab licence l démo
What brought the license to the demo
Wesh djab Piranha l Némo
What brought Piranha to Nemo
Kanenassmlah ktebtha fel barrière khalitek f l'arrière
I swear to God, I wrote it on the barrier, I left you in the back
B "Feeling" wahed nfelleg ta carrière
With one "Feeling" I'll break your career
Nta li habite nefrouha mor el mic normal génocide Burma
You're the one I love, let's spread it after the mic, normal genocide Burma
Ndjouz aalik tornade kayen li ye9leb el hadra w kayen 9albha
I'll pass you a tornado, there are those who turn the conversation and there are those who turn it
Tbane f battle live
You appeared in a live battle
Reponditlek b hadi w manzidch ghir ida habite ndirou battle live
I'm answering you with this, and I won't add more unless you want to do a live battle
Khaliteha fel rap brk rien de personnel hakda el trig rebatna
I left it in rap, nothing personal, this is how the trigger tied us
A part ça Ergez Nuchell, ihtiramatna l Batna
Apart from that, Ergez Nuchell, our respect to Batna

Авторы: Ilyes Belfedhal

дата релиза

1 S.Y.C

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