In Team - Guruku - перевод текста песни на английский

Guruku - In Teamперевод на английский

My Teacher
Wahai guru yang dikasihi,
My beloved teacher,
Engkaulah pelita diri ini,
You are the light of my life,
Menerangi hati nurani,
You enlighten my heart and soul,
Moga dirimu dirahmati
May you be blessed with His grace
Ya ALLAH piliharalah guruku,
O GOD, protect my teacher,
Agar dipimpin terus hambaMu,
So that I may be guided by you forever,
Agar terhindar dari Neraka,
So that I may be saved from Hell,
Moga dibukakan pintu Syurga
May the gates of Heaven be opened for you
Tak terbalas jasamu
Your kindness is immeasurable,
Berkorban jiwa raga
You sacrifice your life and soul,
Mendidik anak bangsa
Educating the nation's children,
Jadi insan berguna
To become useful citizens
Keikhlasan di hati
With utmost sincerity,
Hulur bakti dan budi
You impart your knowledge and wisdom,
Kau penyambung warisan
You are the bridge to our heritage,
Ilmu cahaya hati
Knowledge, the light of our hearts
Ampunkanlah wahai guruku,
Forgive me, my dear teacher,
Kesilapan anak-anakmu,
For the mistakes of your students,
Ku serahkan jiwa ragaku,
I surrender my soul and body to you,
Agar terdidik nafsu liarku
So that you may tame my wild passions
Dengan izin Allahu Rabbi,
With the permission of God, my Lord,
Engkaulah guru yang sejati,
You are a true teacher,
Engkau bersabar mendidik kami,
You have patiently taught us,
Semoga dirimu diberkati
May you be blessed
(Bridge)Datang dengan harapan,
(Bridge)We come with hope,
Pulang bawa kejayaan,
And leave with triumph,
Anugerah yang diimpikan
The reward we have always dreamt of

Авторы: Cikgu Hasnol, Halim Libya, Inteam, Nada Syahdu

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