In Team - Jumaat - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский In Team - Jumaat

يوم الجمحة
يوم البركة
A day of blessing
سيد الاءيام
The chief of days
عيد المسلمين
The Eid of Muslims
Hari Jumaat
Hari yang berkat
A day of blessing
Penghulu hari para muslimin
The chief of days for the Muslims
Hari yang istimewa
A special day
Penuh berkat mulia
Full of noble blessings
Amal ganda pahala
Actions are doubled in reward
Anugerah Maha Esa
A gift from the Most High
Rasululah bersabda
The Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said:
Tentng wajib sunnahnya
About its obligations and Sunnahs
Juga adab-adabnya
As well as its etiquettes
Buat lagi sempurna
To make it perfect
يوم الجمحة
يوم البركة
A day of blessing
سيد الاءيام
The chief of days
عيد المسلمين
The Eid of Muslims
Hari Jumaat
Wajib lima syaratnya
Five conditions are obligatory
Untuk muslimin yang pria
For Muslim men
Tunai solat Jumat
Perform the Friday prayer
Laksana berjemah
In the same way as for emigrants
Lima bahagian waktu
Five parts of time
Ganjaran bahagian satu
The reward of one part
Ibaratnya pahala
Is like the reward for
Korban seekor unta
Sacrificing a camel
سيد الاءيام
The chief of days
Mandi bersihkan badan
Bathe and clean your body
Kemas kuku pakaian
Trim your nails and dress
Lantas wangi-wangian
Then apply perfume
Ulama′ menyarankan
As scholars recommend
Datang awal saf depan
Come early to the front row
Solat sunat iktikaf
Pray the sunnah of i'tikaf
Baca Quran berzikir
Read the Qur'an and make dhikr
Perbanyakkan selawat
Send many salutations upon the Prophet
Semua amalan
All actions
Diberi ganjaran hebat
Bear a great reward
يوم الجمحة
يوم البركة
A day of blessing
سيد الاءيام
The chief of days
عيد المسلمين
The Eid of Muslims
Hari Jumaat
Hari yang berkat
A day of blessing
Penghulu hari para muslimin
The chief of days for the Muslims

Авторы: Erwan Muhibbain

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