In Team - TanpaMu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский In Team - TanpaMu

Without You
Resah dan gelisah ku rasa
Feeling restless and anxious
Hidup penuh pancaroba
Life is full of ups and downs
Roda masa pantas berputar
The wheel of time spins fast
Menduga iman di dada
Testing the faith in my heart
Daku yang lena dan terleka
I, who was careless and negligent
Tenggelam di lautan dunia
Drowned in the sea of the world
Kabur pandangan mataku
My vision becomes blurred
Pada nikmat yang menggunung
By the overwhelming blessings
Mendustakan kurniaanMu
Denying Your gifts
Tiba murkamu menghukum
Your wrath comes to punish
Keangkuhanku kian hancur
My arrogance shattered
Lantas ku jatuh dan tersungkur
And I fall, defeated
TanpaMu kasih (Oh Kekasih)
Without You, my love (Oh, my beloved)
Ku tak berdaya (Ku terpedaya)
I'm helpless (I'm deceived)
Hilang punca dan arah (Pada helah dusta dunia)
Lost and without direction (In the lies of the world)
Hanyut alpa di arus bergelora
Drifted away in the turbulent currents
Kasih (Oh Kekasih)
My Love (Oh, my beloved)
Daku derita (Tangisku hiba)
I am suffering (My tears are bitter)
Lemah dalam sengsara (Dan mengalir oh air mata)
Weak in misery (And tears flow freely)
Jiwa dan tubuh kepedihan
Soul and body in pain
Terseksa, terhukum
Tortured, condemned
Menanggung kifarah dariMu
Bearing the punishment from You
Telah ku lalui semalam
I have gone through the night
Jalanan kelam dan suram
Dark and gloomy paths
Lampaui batasan insan
Beyond human limits
KeagunganMu kulupakan
I have forgotten Your greatness
Rahmat dariMu kudambakan
I crave Your mercy
KeampunanMu kupohonkan
I beg for Your forgiveness
Tuhan, ku tak berdaya
Lord, I am helpless
Tempuh segala
I have endured everything
Tanpa kasihMu
Without Your love
TanpaMu kasih (Oh Kekasih)
Without You, my love (Oh, my beloved)
Ku tak berdaya (Ku terpedaya)
I'm helpless (I'm deceived)
Hilang punca dan arah (Pada helah dusta dunia)
Lost and without direction (In the lies of the world)
Hanyut alpa di arus bergelora
Drifted away in the turbulent currents
Kasih (Oh Kekasih)
My Love (Oh, my beloved)
Daku derita (Tangisku hiba)
I am suffering (My tears are bitter)
Lemah dalam sengsara (Dan mengalir oh air mata)
Weak in misery (And tears flow freely)
Jiwa dan tubuh kepedihan
Soul and body in pain
Terseksa, terhukum
Tortured, condemned
Menanggung kifarah dariMu
Bearing the punishment from You
Hatiku ini merindu
My heart yearns
Sinar cintaMu Yang Agung
For the光芒of Your love
Pasrah merayu redhaMu
Submiting to Your will
Ampuni dosa-dosaku
Forgive my sins
Rahmat dariMu ku dambakan
I crave Your mercy
KeampunanMu ku pohonkan
I beg for Your forgiveness

Авторы: Akmal Mirwana

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