Iratxo - Despierta - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Iratxo - Despierta

Desalojando la intemperie, engalanada la escombrera, entre la fogata y el derrumbe.
Evacuating the bad weather, the dump is dressed up, between the bonfire and the collapse.
Retumba lo prohibido, faltan versos sobran ruidos, faltan puños que golpeen en el destino.
What is forbidden rumbles, there are missing verses but there is enough noise, there are missing fists that beat in fate.
Si desmantelas la pasión tan solo queda el olvido, comiendo tierra y lleno de vacío.
If you dismantle passion, only oblivion remains, eating dirt and full of emptiness.
Anunciando que volverá con el pelo suelto al viento, entre la escarcha del roció.
Announcing that it will return with flowing hair in the wind, in the frost of the dew.
Y si preguntan se hace el silencio, que las bocas callan cuando tienen miedo a la libertad.
And if they ask, there is silence, because mouths are silent when they are afraid of freedom.
I si pregunten es fa el silenci, que les boques callen, quan tenan por a la llibertat.
And if they ask, it is silenced, because the mouths are silent when they are afraid of freedom.
E se preguntan, faise o silencio, que as bocas calan cando teñem medo a leberdade.
And if they ask, it is made in silence, because the mouths are silent when they are afraid of freedom.
Galdetzean, isiltasuna, ahoak askatasunari beldur direnean.
If they ask, it is silence, when mouths are afraid of freedom.
Destiñendo la bandera, con el amo bajo la soga, esperando a ver si se posa.
Discoloring the flag, with the master under the rope, waiting to see if it will land.
Descojonando el fracaso, que ya nadie le hace caso, y dio su brazo a torcer.
Laughing at the failure, that nobody pays attention to him anymore, and he gave his arm to twist.
En cueros y con la piel llena de lametazos, que la vida hija de puta se hizo cargo.
Naked and with skin full of licks, that the life of a bitch took charge.
Agarrando palmo a palmo, para dejarle volver, concebida pa ser una utopía.
Gripping palm by palm, to let it come back, conceived to be a utopia.
Y si preguntan se hace el silencio, que las bocas callan cuando tienen miedo a la libertad.
And if they ask, there is silence, because mouths are silent when they are afraid of freedom.
I si pregunten es fa el silenci, que les boques callen, quan tenan por a la llibertat.
And if they ask, it is silenced, because the mouths are silent when they are afraid of freedom.
E se preguntan, faise o silencio, que as bocas calan cando teñem medo a leberdade.
And if they ask, it is made in silence, because the mouths are silent when they are afraid of freedom.
Galdetzean, isiltasuna, ahoak askatasunari beldur direnean.
If they ask, it is silence, when mouths are afraid of freedom.

Авторы: Puig Juan Manuel Alvarez

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