Isadora Melo - Braseiro - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Isadora Melo - Braseiro

Eu tava meditando
I was meditating
No passado e no futuro
On the past and future
Precisando de ar puro
Needing fresh air
Mergulhei na ironia
I plunged into irony
Deslizei na poesia
I slid into poetry
Encontrei versos concretos
I found concrete verses
Nos poemas mais diversos
In the most diverse poems
Sujos de melancolia
Tarnished with melancholy
A poeira que ardia
The dust that burned
Vindo do da estrada
Coming from the dust of the road
Era quase madrugada
It was almost dawn
Candeeiro queimando
The lamp was burning
Coração se abrasando
My heart was burning
Na explosão do luzeiro
In the explosion of the light
Quase virou um braseiro
It almost turned into a brazier
A incendiar toda a sala
Setting the whole room on fire
A boca fala e se cala
My mouth speaks and falls silent
No silêncio matutino
In the morning silence
Vi um corpo feminino
I saw a female body
Acenando pra mim
Waving at me
Era o começo e o fim
It was the beginning and the end
Tudo o que eu precisava
Everything I needed
E o meu corpo brincava
And my body played
De prazer e alegria
With pleasure and joy
Feito leão que rugia
Like a roaring lion
Atravessei o inferno
I crossed hell
Na sede do amor eterno
In thirst for eternal love
Na porta que se abriria
In the door that would open
Mais entrava, mais valia
The more I entered, the more it was worth it
Desejos e emoção
Desires and emotions
Sussurro, beijo, paixão
Whisper, kiss, passion
O vulcão explodia
The volcano erupted
A poeira que ardia
The dust that burned
Vindo do da estrada
Coming from the dust of the road
Era quase madrugada
It was almost dawn
Candeeiro queimando
The lamp was burning
Coração se abrasando
My heart was burning
Na explosão do luzeiro
In the explosion of the light
Quase virou um braseiro
It almost turned into a brazier
A incendiar toda a sala
Setting the whole room on fire
A boca fala e se cala
My mouth speaks and falls silent
No silêncio matutino
In the morning silence
Vi um corpo feminino
I saw a female body
Acenando pra mim
Waving at me
Era o começo e o fim
It was the beginning and the end
Tudo o que eu precisava
Everything I needed
E o meu corpo brincava
And my body played
De prazer e alegria
With pleasure and joy
Feito leão que rugia
Like a roaring lion
Atravessei o inferno
I crossed hell
Na sede do amor eterno
In thirst for eternal love
Na porta que se abriria
In the door that would open
Mais entrava, mais valia
The more I entered, the more it was worth it
Desejos e emoção
Desires and emotions
Sussurro, beijo, paixão
Whisper, kiss, passion
E o vulcão explodia
And the volcano erupted

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