Iskander - Al Sol - перевод текста песни на английский

Al Sol - Iskanderперевод на английский

Al Sol
In the Sun
Ya no hay de que temerle
There is nothing to fear
Ya no hay de que temerle al sol
There is nothing to fear from the sun
Deje de estar contigo para ser como amigos
I stopped being with you to be friends
Pero el destino nos fallo
But fate failed us
Quise cerrar la puerta, para no ver de cerca
I wanted to close the door, so I wouldn't see it closely
Pero el amor nunca dejo
But love never left
Ya no hay por que temerle
There is nothing to fear
Ya no hay de que temerle
There is nothing to be afraid of
Pero si mi boca se equivoca y toca y moja
But if my mouth makes a mistake and touches and wets
Lo que el tiempo nunca se llevo
What time never took away
Yo te estare esperando a diario
I will be waiting for you every day
Y guardo el calendario para que regreses hoy
And I keep the calendar for you to return today
Una rosa sabe del amor
A rose knows about love
Si me tocas te llevo hasta el sol
If you touch me, I will take you to the sun
No seamos mas intermitentes
Let's not be intermittent anymore
Deja el miedo que escondio tu voz
Leave the fear that hid your voice
Le entregare lo extraordinario al sol
I will give the extraordinary to the sun
Le entregare lo extraordinario
I will give the extraordinary
Seamos como niños, regalame tu hombligo
Let's be like children, give me your belly button
Prometo cuidarlo mi amor
I promise to watch over it my love
Te entregare mi aliento y te dare un concierto
I will give you my breath and I will give you a concert
Tus labios mi escenario son
Your lips are my stage
Ya no hay porque temerle
There is no reason to fear
Ya no hay de que temerle
There is nothing to fear
Pero si mi boca se equivoca y toca y moja
But if my mouth makes a mistake and touches and wets
Lo que el tiempo nunca se llevo
What time never took away
Yo te esperando a diario y guardo el calendario
I'm waiting for you every day and I keep the calendar
Para que regreses hoy
So you can come back today
Una rosa sabe del amor
A rose knows about love
Si me tocas te llevo hasta el sol
If you touch me, I will take you to the sun
No seamos mas intermitentes
Let's not be intermittent anymore
Deja el miedo que escondio tu voz
Leave the fear that hid your voice
Le entregare lo extraordinario al sol
I will give the extraordinary to the sun
Le entregare lo extraordinario
I will give the extraordinary
Pero si mi boca toca y te provoca y moja
But if my mouth touches and teases and wets
Lo que un dia llevo
What I once took
Yo te estare esperando a diario y guardo el calendario para que regreses hoy
I will be waiting for you every day and I keep the calendar so you can come back today
Una rosa sabe del amor
A rose knows about love
Si me tocas te llevo hasta el sol
If you touch me, I will take you to the sun
No seamos mas intermitentes
Let's not be intermittent anymore
Deja el miedo que escondio tu voz
Leave the fear that hid your voice
Le entregare lo extraordinario al soooool
I will give the extraordinary to the suuuuuun
Le entregare lo extraordinario
I will give the extraordinary
Ya no hay porque temerle al sol
There is no reason to fear the sun
Ya no hay porque temerle
There is no reason to fear
No hay mas porque temerle
There is no more reason to fear
Ya no hay mas porque temerle al sol
There is no more reason to fear the sun

Авторы: Alejandro Iskander Lara Polanco

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