Ismael Miranda - Son 45 - перевод текста песни на английский

Son 45 - Ismael Mirandaперевод на английский

Son 45
Son 45
Yo he cantado por cuatro generaciones escuchando los rumores que mi salsa va a morir.
I have been singing for four generations listening to rumors that my salsa is going to die.
He visto como nacen otros ritmos
I have seen other rhythms born
Y siempre pasa lo mismo pues mi salsa sigue aqui cambiaron los tiempos, los escenarios, la televisión, la radio y a todo sobrevivi.
And the same thing always happens because my salsa is still here. The times have changed, the stages, the television, the radio and I have survived everything.
Vi nacer la macarena y la vi cuando murio, la lambada causo euforia luego desaparecio, la salsa no es una moda esto es alma y corazon yo llevo 45 y sigo con el mismo soooon.
I saw the Macarena born and I saw it when it died, the lambada caused euphoria then it disappeared, salsa is not a fashion this is soul and heart I have been 45 years old and I continue with the same son (tune).
Yo llevo 45 y sigo con mi mismo son(coro)
I have been 45 years old and I continue with my same son (tune) (chorus)
Mi salsa no es una moda esto es alma y corazon
My salsa is not a fashion this is soul and heart
Yo llevo 45 y sigo con el mismo son(coro)
I have been 45 years old and I continue with the same son (tune) (chorus)
He viajado al mundo entero desde el africa, japon, señor
I have traveled the whole world from Africa, Japan and more,
Yo llevo 45 y sigo con el mismo son(coro)
I have been 45 years old and I continue with the same son (tune) (chorus)
Yo vi pasar la macarena mientras tomaba mi Sopa de caracol
I saw the macarena pass by while I was having my Conch soup
Yo llevo 45 y sigo con mi mismo son (coro)
I have been 45 years old and I continue with the same son (tune) (chorus)
Intento el Señor sereno pero nunca me callo
Mr. Sereno tries to calm me down but I never shut up
Oye me la cosa no es como antes
Hey man, things are not like before
Ahi no ma'!
Oh no!
Oyeme estamos en el 2014 y la gente dice por ahi que hay Ismael pal rato yo no se
Listen, we are in 2014 and people say around that Ismael will be around for a while, I don't know
Son 45 con mi son(coro)
45 years old with my son (tune) (chorus)
Cuatro decadas y media
Four and a half decades
Son 45 con mi son(coro)
45 years old with my son (tune) (chorus)
Y no he perdido el sabor
And I have not lost the flavor
Con mi son(coro)
With my son (tune) (chorus)
Alla en el 66'
Back in 66'
Con mi son(coro)
With my son (tune) (chorus)
Esta historia comenzo
This story began
Con mi son(coro)
With my son (tune) (chorus)
Y ya para los 70'
And by the 70s'
Con mi son(coro)
With my son (tune) (chorus)
Hice mi revelación
I had my revelation
Son(tune) (chorus)
Ya llego el 2014
2014 has arrived
Son (tune) (chorus)
Sigo con mi canción
I continue with my song
Son (tune) (chorus)
Porque tengo su cariño y la bendición de Dios
Because I have your love and the blessing of God
Listen to me
Y esto no se acaba nunca aqui sabe esto sigue
And this never ends, you know this continues
Son 45 con mi son(coro)
45 years old with my son (tune) (chorus)
Soy el gibaro agüadeño
I am the peasant from Aguada
Son 45 con mi son(coro)
45 years old with my son (tune) (chorus)
Que canta montuno y son
Who sings montunos and son (tune)
Son 45 con mi son(coro)
45 years old with my son (tune) (chorus)
Y para ustedes soy Miranda
And for you I am Miranda
Son 45 con mi son (coro)
45 years old with my son (tune) (chorus)
Un humilde servidor.
A humble servant.

Авторы: Victor Manuelle Ruiz Velazquez

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