Ivko - Zmija - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Ivko - Zmija

Ma nism zmaj js sm zmija, tudi če sm manjši, mlajši veš kdo tu ga killa
I'm not a dragon, I'm a snake, even if I'm smaller, younger, you know who kills here
Tudi če sm manjši, mlajši veš kdo tu ma krila, tudi če sm manjši, mlajši, kdo se sploh sekira
Even if I'm smaller, younger, you know who has wings, even if I'm smaller, younger, who cares?
Upam, da za tebe tale kazen ful ni mila, ker tu mečem rime, kot da dilam vam mamila
I hope this punishment for you isn't too harsh, because I'm spitting rhymes here, as if I'm dealing you drugs
Ker u vas mečem vilo, da vas vila bo ubila in ga spitam vn, da pol nastala bo tišina
Because I'm throwing a pitchfork at you here, so that the pitchfork will kill you, and I'll drink it up, so that silence will come
Nastala bo
Silence will come
Tišina, višina, to je kraj kjer bivam, to je zrak ki diham, verbalno te zaštiham
Silence, high up, this is where I live, this is the air I breathe, I verbally protect you
Js sm tisti, ki piha pih na višti in js sm tisti, ki prešiba te na pisti
I'm the one who blows wind on the heights and I'm the one who whips you on the slopes
Mothafucka nisi isti kot jaz, nisi tolko dober, nisi lirična pošast
Motherfucker, you're not the same as me, you're not that good, you're not a lyrical monster
Nič novega ne čujem, samo rime znaš ti krast, in zdej nastavu, mona tebi js sm past
I hear nothing new, you only know how to steal rhymes, and now set up, baby, I am a trap for you
To kar rečem js, to je moja last, ko te prašam za kadit prašam če maš čas
What I say is mine, when I ask you for a smoke, I'm asking if you have some time
Pompamo na švabicah tudi če je mraz, če se tam kaj dela mamo tudi drugi plac
We smoke on the balconies even if it's cold, if something happens here we also have another spot
In to je stari Epi, spohau štiri, ta je peti, se dela šesti, damn shit
And this is old Epi, fourth smoke, this is the fifth, makes the sixth, damn shit
Kartica Arriva, spet se je zgubila, ful mi žau frend, mona, kriva bla sativa
Arriva card, lost again, I'm really sorry dude, girl, sativa was to blame
Ma nism zmaj js sm zmija, tudi če sm manjši, mlajši veš kdo tu ga killa
I'm not a dragon, I'm a snake, even if I'm smaller, younger, you know who kills here
Tudi če sm manjši, mlajši veš kdo tu ma krila, tudi če sm manjši, mlajši, kdo se sploh sekira
Even if I'm smaller, younger, you know who has wings, even if I'm smaller, younger, who cares?
Upam, da za tebe tale kazen ful ni mila, ker tu mečem rime, kot da dilam vam mamila
I hope this punishment for you isn't too harsh, because I'm spitting rhymes here, as if I'm dealing you drugs
Ker u vas mečem vilo, da vas vila bo ubila in ga spitam vn, da pol nastala bo tišina
Because I'm throwing a pitchfork at you here, so that the pitchfork will kill you, and I'll drink it up, so that silence will come
Nastala bo
Silence will come
Evo tiho je že use, to kar rečem mislim, to kar rečem je
Look, everything is quiet now, I mean what I say, what I say is
Ma si le še en, ki obravnavam ga kot plen, od te trave si zelen, samo kurac si degen
You're just another one I treat like prey, you're green from that weed, you're just a fucking degenerate
Delam si zapiske matematične, bala tvojim starim pizdaa da majo otroke problematične
I take math notes, your parents are ranting that they have problematic kids
Glupe nič simpatične, a jebiga pač tašni ste, in drugim vsi enaki ste
Dumb, not at all likeable, but fuck it, you're just like that, and you're all the same to everyone else
Niste spoznali gada, tešta špelada, pa ful lagano zame gre nagrada
You didn't recognize the reptile, pasta dough, but the prize is really easy for me
In on se z vami ful nerad ubada, ma mene ne ustavi protihrupna še pregrada, obalna tu brigada
And he really doesn't like dealing with you, a noise reduction barrier won't stop me, the coastal brigade is here
Ne rabi mi čelada, da prenesem vaše sranje pol ne rabi mi kefada, da usujem vaše sanje
I don't need a helmet to put up with your shit, then I don't need a keffiyeh to crush your dreams
Vedno manj je debilov takih kot si ti, stari ko te gledam majkemi se mi spi
There are less and less idiots like you all the time, old man, when I look at you, my god I just want to sleep
Ma nism zmaj js sm zmija, tudi če sm manjši, mlajši veš kdo tu ga killa
I'm not a dragon, I'm a snake, even if I'm smaller, younger, you know who kills here
Tudi če sm manjši, mlajši veš kdo tu ma krila, tudi če sm manjši, mlajši, kdo se sploh sekira
Even if I'm smaller, younger, you know who has wings, even if I'm smaller, younger, who cares?
Upam, da za tebe tale kazen ful ni mila, ker tu mečem rime, kot da dilam vam mamila
I hope this punishment for you isn't too harsh, because I'm spitting rhymes here, as if I'm dealing you drugs
Ker u vas mečem vilo, da vas vila bo ubila in ga spitam vn, da pol nastala bo tišina
Because I'm throwing a pitchfork at you here, so that the pitchfork will kill you, and I'll drink it up, so that silence will come
Nastala bo
Silence will come

Авторы: Martin Ivanič

Ivko - Zmija
дата релиза

1 Zmija

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