Iwan Fals - Mak - перевод текста песни на английский

Mak - Iwan Falsперевод на английский

Mak perut udin keroncongan
My stomach is rumbling
Belum makan dari tadi malam
I haven't eaten since last night
Mak beliin dong Inah pakaian untuk seragam
Honey, please buy Inah a uniform
Inah cuma punya sepasang
She only has one pair
Itu juga sudah penuh tambal
And it's full of patches
Inah malu sama teman teman
She's embarrassed in front of her friends
Mak beliin dong buku tulis keluh Ujang
Honey, please buy Ujang a notebook
Buku kemarin yang Mak belikan
The one you bought him yesterday
Sudah habis terisi pelajaran
Is already filled with lessons
Baik anakku kan Mak penuhi permintaan kalian
Alright, my children, I'll fulfill your requests
Asal Bapak sudah pulang
As soon as your father comes home
Baik anakku kan Mak penuhi permintaan kalian
Alright, my children, I'll fulfill your requests
Asal Bapak sudah pulang
As soon as your father comes home
Tiba tiba pintu depan diketuk orang
Suddenly, someone knocked on the front door
Mang Mamat teman sekerja Ayahnya datang
Mang Mamat, your father's coworker, came
Membawa kabar
Bringing news
Tentang malapetaka yang menimpa Ayahnya
About the tragedy that befell your father
Dia tertiban beton dari atas bangunan
He was hit by a concrete slab from a building
Kini dia terbujur lesu diatas kasur rumah sakit
Now he lies weak on a hospital bed
Si ibu bingung harus bagaimana
The mother is confused, not knowing what to do
Mak kenapa Ayah kok belum pulang
Mom, why isn't Dad home yet?
Tanya ketiga putra putrinya
The three children asked
Si Ibu bingung harus menjawab apa
The mother is confused, not knowing how to answer
Mak nanti kalau Ayah sudah pulang
Honey, when your father comes home
Pasti membawa banyak uang
He'll surely bring a lot of money
Bisa membeli nasi Udin tak lapar lagi
We can buy rice, Udin won't be hungry anymore
Bisa membeli baju untuk seragam
We can buy a uniform
Inah tak malu lagi
Inah won't be embarrassed anymore
Bisa membeli buku tulis untuk Ujang
We can buy a notebook for Ujang
Kata ketiga putra putrinya
Said the three children
Yang tidak tahu bahwa Ayahnya terkena musibah
Who don't know that their father has been in an accident
Si Ibu bingung harus menjawab apa
The mother is confused, not knowing how to answer
Si Ibu bingung harus menjawab apa
The mother is confused, not knowing how to answer
Menangis dia
She cries
Terbayang jelas wajah suaminya
Her husband's face is vividly in her mind
Dan terpikir soal biaya pengobatan suaminya
And she thinks about the cost of his treatment
Yang terlalu mahal bagi ukuran pekerja kasar
Which is too expensive for a casual worker
Yang terlalu mahal bagi ukuran pekerja kasar
Which is too expensive for a casual worker
Terngiang jelas permintaan putra putrinya
The requests of her children echo in her mind
Yang tak mungkin bisa terkabulkan
Which she can't fulfill
Si Ibu bingung harus bagaimana
The mother is confused, not knowing what to do
Si Ibu bingung harus bagaimana
The mother is confused, not knowing what to do
Si Ibu bingung harus bagaimana
The mother is confused, not knowing what to do
Menangis dia
She cries
Dalam kalut
In her worry
Ia selalu mengharap uang mandor suaminya
She always hopes for her husband's foreman's money
Untuk keperluan anaknya
For her children's needs
Untuk biaya pengobatan suaminya
For her husband's medical expenses
Tapi si mandor pelit
But the foreman is stingy
Waktu si Ibu meminta pertolongan si mandor suaminya
When the mother asked for help from her husband's foreman
Yang rupanya mandor itu bandot tertawa genit
Who turned out to be a sly, fat man, he laughed
Dalam otak si Ibu terselip
A narrow thought crept into the mother's mind
Pikiran yang sangat sempit
A very narrow thought
Sebab keluarga yang saya ceritakan itu pailit
Because the family I am telling you about is bankrupt
Dan amat sangat memerlukan duit
And in dire need of money
Dengan perantara tubuh molek si Ibu
With the help of the mother's shapely body
Keperluan anaknya dan biaya pengobatan suaminya
The needs of her children and her husband's medical expenses
Bisa terpenuhi
Could be met
Si Ibu tersenyum
The mother smiles
Si Ibu tersenyum
The mother smiles
Si Ibu tersenyum
The mother smiles
Melihat keluarganya bisa kembali seperti semula
Seeing her family can return to normal
Sekalipun hati si Ibu amat tersiksa
Even though the mother's heart is tormented
Si Ibu tersenyum
The mother smiles
Melihat keluarganya bisa kembali seperti semula
Seeing her family can return to normal
Sekalipun hati si Ibu tersiksa
Even though the mother's heart is tormented

Авторы: Amburadul Band, Iwan Fals, Totok Gunarto

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