J. Parker feat. Tremendo, Kaze, Burze & Fash Oxigeno - Tú dile a tu colega - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский J. Parker feat. Tremendo, Kaze, Burze & Fash Oxigeno - Tú dile a tu colega

Tú dile a tu colega
Tell Your Buddy
dile a tu colega
Tell your buddy
Que no me raye, que no me raye
To not mess with me, to not mess with me
O lo sacas o lo saco
Either you get him out or I will
O lo sacas o lo saco de un bufío hasta la calle
Either you get him out or I'll drag him out by the scruff of his neck into the street
Ehh que que que que que que
Ehh what what what what what what
Me está contando una historia que parece de una galaxia lejana
He's telling me a story that seems from a galaxy far, far away
Le digo que pare y no para en dos horas
I tell him to stop and he doesn't stop for two hours
Me voy y le digo que hablamos mañana
I leave and tell him we'll talk tomorrow
Dice que no le hable en toda la semana
He says don't talk to him all week
Y no pensaba en volver a decirle hola
And I wasn't thinking of saying hello again
no estás al mando no eres Mandalorian
You're not in charge, you're not a Mandalorian
No voy detrás tuya no soy Baby Yoda
I'm not following you, I'm not Baby Yoda
Velocidad luz, R2
Lightspeed, R2
Me ven en el cielo, U.F.O
They see me in the sky, U.F.O
No juego mi trono, HBO
I don't play my throne, HBO
Yo juego mis cartas, Yu-Gi-Oh!
I play my cards, Yu-Gi-Oh!
Vas de persona modelo y estás llenito de mentiras EY
You act like a model person and you're full of lies HEY
Como los supers en "The Boys" no tienes remedio cuando nadie mira EY
Like the supes in "The Boys" you're hopeless when no one's looking HEY
Máscaras de sonrisas son tu credo, el Oscar de Phoenix a la esquina EY
Masks of smiles are your creed, Joaquin Phoenix's Oscar in the corner HEY
Suicídate como Heath Ledger porque ya has hecho el papel de tu vida EY
Kill yourself like Heath Ledger because you've already played the role of your life HEY
To esa mierda no es pa mi
All that shit ain't for me
Solo gente real aquí
Only real people here
Si se te ha olvidado
If you've forgotten
Lo que te contao
What I told you
Llama a Nolan bro
Call Nolan bro
Que le de pa'trás y
To rewind it and
Te invierta el tema,
Reverse the track for you,
Ten, voy to sobrao
Here, I'm way too chill
Sigo con mi crew, sigo con mi gang ehh
Still with my crew, still with my gang ehh
Sigo con mi troupe, sigo como siempre
Still with my troupe, still as always
Sigo con mi troupe, sigo como siempre
Still with my troupe, still as always
Sigo con mi crew, sigo con mi gang gang
Still with my crew, still with my gang gang
Con mi gang gang gang!
With my gang gang gang!
Con mi gang gang gang!
With my gang gang gang!
Con mi gang gang gang!
With my gang gang gang!
Sigo con mi troupe sigo con mi gang gang
Still with my troupe still with my gang gang
They don't
Tienen un sitio a nuestro lao
Have a place next to us
Lo tenemos to controlao
We have it all under control
Aquí ya no se nos cuela nadie
Nobody gets past us here anymore
No tienen un puesto, no se lo han ganao
They don't have a position, they haven't earned it
No estaban cuando estaba nublao
They weren't there when it was cloudy
No estarán cuando hayamos ganao
They won't be there when we've won
Aquí aguantamos lo que nos venga
Here we endure whatever comes our way
Desde los principios nos tienen fichaos
They've had us marked since the beginning
Y lo mantienen real
And they keep it real
Por eso que no me voy a otro lado
That's why I'm not going anywhere else
Y eso no va a cambiar
And that's not going to change
Por mucho que me paguen más caro
No matter how much more they pay me
Familia y amistad
Family and friendship
La razón por la que nunca paro
The reason I never stop
No falta nadie más
No one else is missing
Si alguien no está no lo he echado yo
If someone's not here, I didn't kick them out
Si quieres te puedo dejar mis ojos
If you want I can let you borrow my eyes
Para que sepas lo que se te ha metio en el ajo
So you know what you've gotten yourself into
Y conseguir lo tuyo con esfuerzo y con trabajo
And get yours with effort and hard work
Soy un fracaso escolar más del mundo
I'm another school failure in the world
Mira lo que mi mamá al mundo trajo
Look what my mom brought into the world
Pero me dejan el micro un segundo
But they give me the mic for a second
Y solo me pueden mirar desde abajo
And they can only look up to me
Sigo con mi crew, sigo con mi gang ehh
Still with my crew, still with my gang ehh
Sigo con mi troupe, sigo como siempre
Still with my troupe, still as always
Sigo con mi troupe, sigo como siempre
Still with my troupe, still as always
Sigo con mi crew, sigo con mi gang gang
Still with my crew, still with my gang gang
Con mi gang gang gang!
With my gang gang gang!
Con mi gang gang gang!
With my gang gang gang!
Con mi gang gang gang!
With my gang gang gang!
Sigo con mi troupe sigo con mi gang gang
Still with my troupe still with my gang gang
Que que que...
What what what...
Y tuvo que ser
And it had to be
El tolai de tu peñita
The idiot in your crew
Que se equivocó... que pa que...
Who messed up... for what...
El tolai de tu peñita
The idiot in your crew
Que se equivocó... que pa que...
Who messed up... for what...
Sigo con mi crew, sigo con mi gang ehh
Still with my crew, still with my gang ehh
Sigo con mi troupe, sigo como siempre
Still with my troupe, still as always
Sigo con mi troupe, sigo como siempre
Still with my troupe, still as always
Sigo con mi crew, sigo con mi gang gang
Still with my crew, still with my gang gang
Con mi gang gang gang!
With my gang gang gang!
Con mi gang gang gang!
With my gang gang gang!
Con mi gang gang gang!
With my gang gang gang!
Sigo con mi troupe sigo con mi gang gang
Still with my troupe still with my gang gang

Авторы: Enrique Lopez Guerrero, Cristian Carrion Chacon, Juan Jose Perez Carmona, Jose Antonio Jimenez Sanchiz

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