JAM Project - Olympia - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский JAM Project - Olympia

GAIA′s bravest 姿を隠し 太陽は涙を流す
GAIA's bravest conceals himself as the sun sheds its tears
Never arrive in? 荒れ狂う空 怒りにも似た情景(けしき)
Will I never arrive? The sky rages, the scenery like anger itself
Each of us, given a limited time, is a Wayfarer etching out our lives
いつか出遭うと信じ 楽園求め歩く
I trust we will cross paths someday, as we wander, seeking paradise
Believe myself 灯せ! 真実の炎を
Believe in yourself, ignite the flame of truth
Believe oneself 決して消えることはない
Believe in yourself, it will never be extinguished
Feel myself 目指せ! 栄光の場所
Feel yourself, aim for the glorious place
Feel oneself 永遠(とわ)に輝け"Olympia"
Feel yourself, shine forever, "Olympia"
古(いにしえ)の時代(とき)より 繰り返す叫び
An ancient cry, echoing through the ages
恐れることはない 苦しみ 悲しみ 怒りの涙
Fear not, suffering, sadness, and angry tears
Turn them into strength
Believe myself 掴め! 真実のカギ
Believe in yourself, seize the key of truth
Believe oneself 繋げ! 未来を夢見て
Believe in yourself, connect the future with your dreams
Feel myself 歌え! 勇気の歌を
Feel yourself, sing a song of courage
Feel oneself 急げ! 運命のメシア
Feel yourself, hasten, Messiah of Destiny
風を感じて歩き出せ 夜明けは近い
Feel the wind and start walking, dawn is near
明けゆく空 僕らはまだ この旅の途中...
As the sky brightens, we are still on this journey
目覚めよ 風の中 目を凝らし前を向け
Awake, in the midst of the wind, focus and look forward
目覚めよ 時は来た 立ち止まらず歩き出せ
Awake, the time has come, set out without hesitation
One way 戻れない イチかバチかの戦いだぜ!
One way, no turning back, a do-or-die battle!
Hey You can do it その手で勝ち取れ 掴み取れ
Hey, you can do it, win with your own hands, seize it
LOVE 花を咲かせよう 枯れない花を
LOVE, let the flowers bloom, flowers that will never wither
目の前に広がる 果てなき夢を
Now, before my eyes, the endless dream unfolds
止めらんない 熱い Heart and Soul
Unstoppable, passionate Heat and Soul
負けらんない 誰にも Don't give up!!
Unbeatable, for anyone, Don't give up!!
風を追い越して 約束のあの場所まで
Surpassing the wind, to the promised place
Let′s Go!! 飛び出そう 無限の空へ
Let's Go!! Soar into the boundless sky
Flyaway!! [believe myself]超えて行け
Flyaway!! [believe myself] Go beyond
Try again!! [believe yourself]振り向かずに
Try again!! [believe yourself] Never look back
どんな時も負けない 絆があるから
In any moment, I won't lose because I have my bonds
No matter what happens, it's alright
Don't Stop Believe in Forever
Don't Stop Believe in Forever
まだ見ぬ明日 夢の"Olympia"
The unseen tomorrow, the dream "Olympia"
僕らと行こう 愛の"Olympia"
Come with me, to the love "Olympia"
辿りつけるさ You may know"Olympia"
We will reach it, You may know "Olympia"
一緒に行こう I know"Olympia"
Let's go together, I know "Olympia"


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