JPM - 平凡的美麗 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский JPM - 平凡的美麗

Unremarkable Beauty
Where should one's heart be placed
To be the perfect distance for two
Why do I desire to touch love
Yet, it remains elusive
I want to approach but fear expressing my heart wrongly
I yearned to hold your hand but restrained myself
Even I, mocked myself
I have lost my courage
太完美的結局 好像只在偶像劇才有的劇情
Such a perfect ending, it seems like a plot only found in a soap opera
現實的人生裡 有沒有平凡的美麗
In the reality of life, is there such a thing as an unremarkable beauty?
想對你說一句 我愛你 是戀人最普通的情話絮語
I wish to utter the words, "I love you," the most common phrase of affection between lovers
我彷彿尋覓了幾世紀 卻還沒遇見擁抱愛的運氣
As if I have searched for centuries, yet the fortune of love's embrace still eludes me
想聽你說一句 我愛你 怎麼會像夢境般遙不可及
I yearn to hear you say, "I love you," but it feels as distant as a dream
等不到你回應 我只好把愛鎖心底
Unable to bear waiting for your response, I can only lock my love within my heart
Concealing the sound of my breaking heart
鋼琴鍵彈不出好旋律 就像我現在腦海紛亂情緒
Piano keys cannot produce a beautiful melody, just like my mind is now filled with chaotic emotions
想為你寫首好的歌曲 只能給空氣聆聽
Trying to compose a great song for you, can only share it with the empy air
得之心不得或許宿命 呼天天不應 叫地地也不靈
Maybe it's destiny that I have found my heart but not you, I call out to the heavens but they do not answer, I plead to the earth but it remains silent
連自己也不禁在懷疑 是否該就此放棄
Even I question myself, should I just give up?

Авторы: Chieng Will'z, Ten Victor Lau, Wu Li Qiang

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