Jairo - Tristezas - перевод текста песни на английский

Tristezas - Jairoперевод на английский

Tristeza de saber que en otro tiempo
Sorrow of knowing that once
Las calles de tu barrio tan traquilo
The streets of your neighborhood were so tranquil
Gozaban de tu imagen tan querida
Enjoying your dear image so much
Y yo ignoraba que estabas en mi sino.
And I was unaware that you were in my destiny.
Tristeza de saber que en otro tiempo
Sorrow of knowing that once
Alguien que no fui yo hizo un poema
Someone, who wasn't me, wrote a poem
Tan dedicado a tí, que los guardaste
So dedicated to you, that you saved it
Como has guardado hoy el que te escribo.
As you have saved the one I write you today.
Pero ¿sabes?, esta tristeza mía
But do you know, this sorrow of mine
De pronto se me ha ido.
Has suddenly left me.
La ahuento el duende que tiene su sonrisa,
The elf with his smile has banished it,
Diciendome que al fin estás conmigo.
Telling me that finally you are with me.
Tristeza de pensar en tantos años
Sorrow of thinking of so many years
En tantos sentimientos que has tenido,
Of so many feelings that you have had.
Emociones de amor, y tantas penas
Emotions of love, and so many pains
De las que yo no puedo ser motivo.
Of which I cannot be the motive.
Tristeza que me causa el descencuentro
Sorrow that the mishap causes me
Tristeza por los años tan vacíos.
Sorrow for the so empty years.
De no haber descubierdo junto a
Of not having discovered together with you
Los lugares más míos
The places that are most mine.
Pero ¿sabes?, esta tristeza mía
But do you know, this sorrow of mine
De pronto se me ha ido.
Has suddenly left me.
La ahuyentó el duende que tiene tu sonrisa
The elf who has your smile has banished it
Disciéndome que al fin estás conmigo.
Telling me that finally you are with me.

Авторы: Luis Gonzalez

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