Jamal - Satta - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Jamal - Satta

Czasami jest ten dzień kiedy wszystko co złe
Sometimes there's this day when everything bad
W środku daje ci znak
Gives you a sign from within
I czujesz że to co dobre nie dzieje się
And you feel that what's good isn't happening
Tak jak zawsze
The way it always has
Bo niby jest tak samo ale ty wiesz że nie
Because it seems the same, but you know it's not
Ciągle czegoś ci brak
You're constantly missing something
I czujesz, że to wszystko już nie skończy się
And you feel like this won't end
Póki nie zaczniesz
Until you begin
A tous les marchands de haine qui rodent dans la cite,
To all the merchants of hate who prowl the city,
Arreter d'empoisoner les enfants dissipes,
Stop poisoning the dissipated children,
La farine de votre ble ne fait que detruire leur sante,
The flour of your wheat only destroys their health,
Voulez- vous une generation hantee?
Do you want a haunted generation?
Rzucam bombę, niewiarygodni mają ze mnie pompę
I drop a bomb, the unbelievers are getting pumped
Kuliminacja nienawiści rodzi się przed kompem
The culmination of hatred is born in front of the computer
Młode bąble - za nich też pijemy, bąble
Young bubbles - we drink for them too, bubbles
Wypuszczamy chmury tak jak hondę ciągle
We release clouds like a Honda constantly
Dziś jak hippis, stąd do missisipi
Today like hippies, from here to Mississippi
Wymaluj wypisz to jak dżontrek kipi
Paint it out, write it out like a Star Trek hype
Co piątek kipisz, król hula miodula
Every Friday you're buzzing, the king drinks mead
Wszystko co mam urodziło się w bólach
Everything I have was born in pain
A tous les marchands de haine qui rodent dans la cite,
To all the merchants of hate who prowl the city,
Arreter d'empoisoner les enfants dissipes,
Stop poisoning the dissipated children,
La farine de votre ble ne fait que detruire leur sante,
The flour of your wheat only destroys their health,
Voulez- vous une generation hantee?
Do you want a haunted generation?
A tous les marchands de haine qui rodent dans la cite,
To all the merchants of hate who prowl the city,
Arreter d'empoisoner les enfants dissipes,
Stop poisoning the dissipated children,
La farine de votre ble ne fait que detruire leur sante,
The flour of your wheat only destroys their health,
Voulez- vous une generation hantee?
Do you want a haunted generation?
Une minute, reflechis 2 fois avant la chute,
One minute, think twice before the fall,
T'as le choix entre la lutte ou le parachute,
You have the choice between the struggle or the parachute,
Zute, encore u gosse qui debute,
Damn, another kid starting out,
Son ame souffre tellement qu'il a oublier son but,
His soul suffers so much that he has forgotten his goal,
Pas de panique, Je suis l'homme qui tombe a pique,
Don't panic, I'm the man who falls headfirst,
A tous les marchands de haine qui rodent dans la cite,
To all the merchants of hate who prowl the city,
Arreter d'empoisoner les enfants dissipes,
Stop poisoning the dissipated children,
La farine de votre ble ne fait que detruire leur sante,
The flour of your wheat only destroys their health,
Voulez- vous une generation hantee?
Do you want a haunted generation?
A tous les marchands de haine qui rodent dans la cite,
To all the merchants of hate who prowl the city,
Arreter d'empoisoner les enfants dissipes,
Stop poisoning the dissipated children,
La farine de votre ble ne fait que detruire leur sante,
The flour of your wheat only destroys their health,
Voulez- vous une generation hantee?
Do you want a haunted generation?
Czasami jest ten dzień kiedy wszystko co złe
Sometimes there's this day when everything bad
W środku daje ci znak
Gives you a sign from within
I czujesz że to co dobre nie dzieje się
And you feel that what's good isn't happening
Tak jak zawsze
The way it always has
Bo niby jest tak samo ale ty wiesz że nie
Because it seems the same, but you know it's not
Ciągle czegoś ci brak
You're constantly missing something
I czujesz, że to wszystko już nie skończy się
And you feel like this won't end
Póki nie zaśniesz
Until you fall asleep
To jak wątek z forum
It's like a thread from a forum
Nie mamy już oporów
We have no more resistance
Za dużo tu sporów nie zejdziemy z tych torów
Too many arguments here, we won't get off these tracks
Bit dla profesorów to jak hołd dla tradycji
This beat for professors is like a tribute to tradition
Dosyć fikcji mamy więcej ambicji
Enough fiction, we have more ambition
Ambicieux, munis de multiples munitions,
Ambitious, equipped with multiple munitions,
On attaque les medias avec nos wibrations,
We attack the media with our vibrations,
Reste captif, quand nos ondes envahissent ta raison,
Stay captive, when our waves invade your reason,
C'est le satta remix de la maison,
This is the satta remix from the house,
A tous les marchands de haine qui rodent dans la cite,
To all the merchants of hate who prowl the city,
Arreter d'empoisoner les enfants dissipes,
Stop poisoning the dissipated children,
La farine de votre ble ne fait que detruire leur sante,
The flour of your wheat only destroys their health,
Voulez- vous une generation hantee?
Do you want a haunted generation?
A tous les marchands de haine qui rodent dans la cite,
To all the merchants of hate who prowl the city,
Arreter d'empoisoner les enfants dissipes,
Stop poisoning the dissipated children,
La farine de votre ble ne fait que detruire leur sante,
The flour of your wheat only destroys their health,
Voulez- vous une generation hantee?
Do you want a haunted generation?

Авторы: Tomasz Mioduszewski, Nikolas Ribier

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