Jananas - Dokonalá - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Jananas - Dokonalá

Je ráno a ona ránu má,
It's morning and she has a wound,
Je ráno a ona ránu má.
It's morning and she has a wound.
Ty tam jsou vnady,
Where are your charms,
Ty tam jsou vnady.
Where are your charms.
Je ráno a ona ránu má,
It's morning and she has a wound,
Je ráno a ona ránu má.
It's morning and she has a wound.
Neví si příliš,
She doesn't know what to do,
Neví si rady.
She doesn't know what to do.
V zrcadle výjev ji uráží,
The sight in the mirror offends her,
Když holí si holeň a podpaží.
As she shaves her legs and underarms.
Říká si, jak se nesnáší,
She tells herself how much she hates herself,
Když deodorant nanáší.
As she applies deodorant.
že se někdy dost potí,
She knows that she sometimes sweats a lot,
že mohly by být z toho potíže.
That this could cause problems.
Bývala krásná ale časem poznala,
She used to be beautiful, but over time she realized,
že natrvalo není ani ondulace trvalá.
That not even a permanent wave is permanent.
Je ráno a ona ránu má,
It's morning and she has a wound,
Je ráno a ona ránu má.
It's morning and she has a wound.
A svět se hnusí,
And the world disgusts her,
A svět se hnusí.
And the world disgusts her.
Je ráno a ona ránu má,
It's morning and she has a wound,
Je ráno a ona ránu má.
It's morning and she has a wound.
Do boje kráčí,
She goes into battle,
Něco zkusí
She will try something
(Asi to neomráčí, ale zkusit to musí)
(It probably won't knock you out, but she has to try)
Pinzetou trhá si obočí
She plucks her eyebrows with tweezers
A nehty leští a nehty leští.
And she polishes her nails and polishes her nails.
Pomocí kleští řasy otočí,
She uses tongs to curl her eyelashes,
Pomocí kleští, pomocí kleští.
She uses tongs, she uses tongs.
Bývala femme fatale žena osudová,
She used to be a femme fatale, a woman of destiny,
Teď se k osud tak cize, tak cize chová.
Now fate treats her so strangely, so strangely.
Bývala krásná ale časem poznala,
She used to be beautiful, but over time she realized,
že natrvalo není ani ondulace trvalá.
That not even a permanent wave is permanent.
Vychází ze dveří, vše co mohla udělala.
She leaves the house, she has done everything she could.
Vychází ze dveří, vše co mohla udělala.
She leaves the house, she has done everything she could.
Opouští byt, vše co mohla udělala.
She leaves the apartment, she has done everything she could.
Aby byla dokonalá, dokonalá, dokonalá.
To be perfect, perfect, perfect.

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