Jananas - Raut - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Jananas - Raut

Říká, že dáme jen mojito
She says we'll just have a mojito
A doufá, že by snad moh i to.
And hopes that maybe I will too.
Že ho po tom mojitu pozvu k sobě do bytu
That after this mojito, I'll invite her to my apartment
Po Stelle do postele
From Stella to bed
Stop, je dopito.
Stop, it's finished.
Je dohráno, je ráno.
It's over, it's morning.
Nohama stírám rosu na kolejích,
I wipe the dew off the rails with my feet,
Když na tramvaj čekám
As I wait for the tram
Přečtu si denní tisk a zjistím, kdo se to ke mně tisk.
I read the daily press and find out who's pressing up against me.
Sněd toho kilo, ale váží cent
He ate a kilo of it, but weighs a cent
Váží si ho všichni tady, je to producent.
Everyone here respects him, he's a producer.
Kolem sladký i kyselý tváře
Sweet and sour faces around
Tučný úlovky pro novináře,
Fat catches for journalists,
Co na červeným koberci loví herce,
Who hunt actors on the red carpet,
Na stříbrným podnosu koule a kosočtverce.
Balls and diamonds on a silver platter.
Frekvence vysoká, megaherzů spousta,
High frequency, lots of megahertz,
Jsou tu šťavnatý sousta.
There are juicy morsels here.
Ten je Ing a ten je punk,
He's an engineer and he's a punk,
Ten je jin a ten je jang.
He's yin and he's yang.
Ten je in a ten je out,
He's in and he's out,
Tak si ulov sousto svý
So grab your bite
Tohle je raut.
This is a reception.
Každej spočítat umí si,
Everyone can count,
Kdo bude první u mísy.
Who will be first at the bowl.
Krmit se nechá,
Let yourself be fed,
Kdekdo spěchá
Everyone's in a hurry
A vyzkouší hned
And try it right away
Indický bufet i na záchodě fet.
Indian buffet and even smack in the bathroom.
Přijela módní policie, uí,
The fashion police arrived, wee woo,
Hovoru látka jsou textilie
The talk of the town is textiles
Kdo je kokot Chanel a kdo kokot flanel,
Who's a Chanel asshole and who's a flannel asshole,
řeší se haute couture, oui, oui.
haute couture is being discussed, oui, oui.
Je to procesí, ženy neurčitých profesí se vyjadřují k tomu,
It's a procession, women of indefinite professions are expressing themselves,
Jak jim je s novými ňadry, kdo jaký hadry,
How they feel with their new boobs, who has what clothes,
čím maj′ narvaný skříně,
what their closets are stuffed with,
I když se stejně všichni voblíkaj' v Číně.
Even though everyone dresses in China anyway.
Ten je jin a ten je jang,
He's yin and he's yang,
Ten je Ing a ten je punk.
He's an engineer and he's a punk.
Ten je in a ten je out,
He's in and he's out,
Tak si ulov sousto svý
So grab your bite
Tohle je raut,
This is a reception,
Z kterýho se každej nají,
From which everyone will eat,
Z týhle večeře všecky kasty něco mají.
All castes have something from this dinner.
Média se přiživí na tom, co hodí vipky,
The media feeds on what the VIPs throw,
Dostane se na všecky a ty si dej zbytky.
It gets to everyone and you get the leftovers.
Dej si tu hostinu ubohou
Have that poor feast
Z toho co média vyplivnou, skoč na špek.
From what the media spits out, jump on the bandwagon.
Na kachnu sólokapra, plátky a listy,
On duck, solo carp, slices and leaves,
V neděli máš je i s přílohou.
On Sunday you have them with a side dish.
Ráno z novin hltáš,
In the morning you devour from the newspapers,
Co kde jedli včera.
What they ate where yesterday.
Říkáš "Je to nechutný"
You say "It's disgusting"
A stejně jim to baštíš,
And you eat it anyway,
Pikantní zprávy z papíru kdekdo snídá,
Spicy news from the paper everyone has for breakfast,
Co večeřela vyšší společenská třída,
What the upper class had for dinner,
Co večeřela vyšší společenská třída.
What the upper class had for dinner.
Dej si to mojito,
Have that mojito,
Který nedopiju,
Which I won't finish,
přijde novinářská vlčí smečka
When the pack of wolves comes
A jejich intervieeeeeeeew.
And their intervieeeeeeeew.
Ten je in a ten je out,
He's in and he's out,
Ten je zlosyn a ten skaut.
He's a villain and he's a scout.
Ten dobře zná svůj pin a ten jen bong,
He knows his pin well and he just knows bong,
Hraje se slovní ping pong a drink je long.
Word ping pong is being played and the drink is long.
Ten je up a ten je down,
He's up and he's down,
Ten je chlap a ten jen klaun.
He's a man and he's just a clown.
Ten pije gin a ten jen stout.
He drinks gin and he just drinks stout.
Tak si ulov sousto,
So grab a bite,
Tohle je raut.
This is a reception.
Tak si ulov sousto svý,
So grab your bite,
Tohle je raut.
This is a reception.

Авторы: Jan Vávra

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