Jananas - To samo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Jananas - To samo

To samo
It Just Happened
Ta kopírka byla rozbitá,
The copier was already broken,
Když jsem do lehal
When I laid down in it
Ta postel hořela,
The bed was already on fire,
Když jsem v kopíroval
When I made copies in it
Kaviár z lednice sám vysublimoval
The caviar from the fridge sublimated on its own
Počítač se sám od sebe zase zaviroval
The computer self-infected with a virus
To porno byl spam, nic nestahoval
That porn was spam, I didn't download anything
Klíče se ztratily a diář schoval
The keys got lost and the diary hid itself
Ten požár bytu, asi špatnej drát
That apartment fire, probably faulty wiring
nic, přece, nebudu lhát
I don't lie, I didn't do it
ne, to samo
I didn't, it just happened
Ono se to samo
It did it itself
ne, to samo
I didn't, it just happened
Ono se to udělalo
It did it to itself
Ne, to samo, ono se to samo, ne
No, it just happened, it did it itself, not me
to neukrad, to našel
I didn't steal it, I found it
A taky mi to dali
And they gave it to me too
Chtěl jsem to vrátit,
I wanted to return it,
Jenže jsme se nepotkali
But we didn't meet
to neztratil, fakt ne!
I didn't lose it, really!
Ukradli mi tašku
My bag was stolen
A za tu flešku, kdes měl všecko,
And for that flash drive, where you had everything,
Koupim ti flašku
I'll buy you a bottle
to nezlomil, bylo to nalomený
I didn't break it, it was cracked
to neroztrh, bylo to natržený
I didn't tear it, it was ripped
jen se bránil, nechtěl se prát
I was just defending myself, I didn't want to fight
nic, přece nebudu lhát
I don't lie, I didn't do it
ne, to samo
I didn't, it just happened
Ono se to samo
It did it itself
ne, to samo
I didn't, it just happened
Ono se to udělalo
It did it to itself
Ne, to samo, ono se to samo, ne
No, it just happened, it did it itself, not me
nezloustnul, měl jsem zranění
I wasn't angry, I was injured
A kila šla nahoru
And the kilos piled on
Musel jsem jít učit,
I had to go teach,
I když byl jsem dobrej v oboru
Even though I was good in my field
Chtěl jsem cestovat a odejít z domu,
I wanted to travel and leave home,
Ale neumím anglicky, nevedli k tomu
But I don't speak English, they didn't teach me
Za to, že jsem chudej, může tenhle stát
This state is the reason I'm poor
nic, přece nebudu lhát
I don't lie, I didn't do it
Víš, jsem neměl nikdy štěstí
You know, I've never had any luck
Nevím, proč zrovna
I don't know why me
Může za to moje dětství
My childhood is to blame
Není to vina
It's not my fault
žena, ta mi nerozumí,
My wife doesn't understand me,
Trpím její vinou
I suffer because of her
Ale teď jsi tu ty a mezi námi
But now you're here and there's chemistry between us
Je chemie, nemám možnost jinou
I don't have any other option
A teď samo moje tělo vstalo
And now my body just got up
A na tebe zareagovalo,
And reacted to you,
Když sami teď spolu jsme tu,
Now that we're here together,
Pojď se mnou do kabinetu
Come with me to the office
Stalo se to samo, ne
It happened by itself, I didn't
Ono se to udělalo samo
It did it to itself
Stalo se to samo, ne,
It happened by itself, I didn't,
To samo, to samo, to samo
It just happened, it just happened, it just happened
Chemie, když je tu, pojď se mnou do kabinetu
Chemistry, when it's there, come with me to the office
Chemie, když je tu, pojď se mnou do kabinetu
Chemistry, when it's there, come with me to the office

Авторы: jan vávra

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