I miss your hand touching me, the way you say my name
دا روحي و غيبة عن جسمي انا عيشا و سلام هزارو وهو منو رايق و شكلو لما يدايق وحشني كلامنا طول الليل و على صوتو كنت بنام
You are my soul, and my absence from your body, I live and my peace of mind is destroyed by your absence, and your handsomeness when you are annoyed, I miss our conversations all night long, and I used to fall asleep to the sound of your voice
وحشني سؤالو عني انا ببكي مش بغني روحي رايحة مني بتبعتلو السلام انا لي فبعدو بشقا عشان من قلبى عشقا و نفسي فحضني يبقا وصحا جنبو ونام
I miss your questions about me, I am crying not singing, My soul is leaving me, sending you my greetings. I suffer in your absence because of my love for you. And I want to be in your arms, wake up next to you and sleep
بعيد عني لاكن شيفاه و لحظة بلحظة عايشا معاه حياتي ابتدت وياه و متكملش الا بيه
Far from me, but I see it, and I live with it every moment, My life began with you, and it will not be complete without you
وحيدة ضعيفة منسية و حبو احلا ما فيا حتسوا الحياة ديا لو مش عايشا ليه
Lonely, weak, forgotten, and my love is the best thing about me, What is the point of this life if I am not living for you?
وحشني سؤالو عني انا ببكي مش بغني و روحي رايحة مني بتبعتلو السلام انا لي فبعدو بشقا عشان من قلبي عشقا و نفسي فحضني يبقاواصحا جنبو ونام
I miss your questions about me, I am crying not singing, and my soul is leaving me, sending you my greetings. I suffer in your absence because of my love for you. And I want to be in your arms, wake up next to you and sleep
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