Jarda Traband Svoboda - Parnik se potapi, kapela hraje - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Jarda Traband Svoboda - Parnik se potapi, kapela hraje

Parnik se potapi, kapela hraje
The Steamboat is Sinking, the Band Plays On
jsem to pochopil, loď klesá ke dnu.
I've got it now, babe, the ship's going down.
Vzduch venku znachověl, uvnitř blednu.
The air outside is blue, I'm fading inside.
K tomu zní písnička, neodbytná je.
And there's this music, it just won't quit.
Parník se potápí, kapela hraje.
The steamboat is sinking, the band plays on, it.
Obzor se naklonil v paprscích luny.
The horizon tilts in the moonlight's gleam.
Vidím, že ukradli záchranné čluny.
I see they've stolen the lifeboats, it seems.
Přesto se flirtuje, začíná z kraje.
But still they're flirting, starting at the edge.
Parník se potápí, kapela hraje.
The steamboat is sinking, the band plays on, my pledge.
Kapela vyhrává, kdo pláče - prohraje.
The band is playing, whoever cries, loses, you see.
Prý jen těm veselým, platí pas do ráje.
They say only the joyful ones, get a passport to heaven, honey.
Výskni si, když ti strach srdce vzal do tlapy.
Shout out, darling, if fear has your heart in its grip.
Kapelník děkuje, parník se potápí.
The bandleader gives thanks, as the steamboat takes a dip.
Pohnuté vzpomínky, štípou jak raci.
Troubled memories, pinching like crabs they do.
Vycpaný buditel, zvolna se kácí.
Exhausted awakener, slowly collapses, it's true.
Vzpíná se lipizzán z vídeňské stáje.
A Lipizzaner rears from the Viennese stable, see?
Parník se potápí, kapela hraje.
The steamboat is sinking, the band plays on for me.
Lichvář je kavalír, běhna je paní.
The usurer's a gentleman, the race is a lady.
Učitel národů propadá z psaní.
The Teacher of Nations is failing in writing, sadly.
Ještě se splétají fakta a báje.
Facts and fables are still intertwining, it's a mystery.
Parník se potápí, kapela hraje.
The steamboat is sinking, the band plays on, in history.
Kapela vyhrává, kdo pláče - prohraje.
The band is playing, whoever cries, loses, it's a fact.
Prý jen těm veselým platí pas do ráje.
They say only the joyful ones get a passport to heaven, that's that.
Výskni si, když ti strach srdce vzal do tlapy.
Shout out, darling, if fear has your heart in its grip.
Kapelník děkuje, parník se potápí.
The bandleader gives thanks, as the steamboat takes a dip.
My, co jsme vypluli, nemůžem zpátky.
We who have escaped, can't go back, you know.
Tak jako do láhví šampusu zátky.
Just like the corks from champagne bottles, they go.
Kdo by šel po stopách, nerozezná je.
Whoever follows the trail won't recognize it, my dear.
Parník se potápí, kapela hraje.
The steamboat is sinking, the band plays on, I fear.
Kéž by přitiskla na bujná prsa.
If only she would press me against her ample breast.
Ta, která s hlavou vzad tu nejlíp trsá.
The one who dances best with her head thrown back, the rest.
Snad mi pak odhalí i hlubší taje.
Perhaps then she'd reveal even deeper secrets to me.
Když se loď potápí, tak to hraje!
When the ship is sinking, let the music play, you see!
Jen se vyhrává, jinak se prohraje.
Let the music play on, otherwise, we lose, that's clear.
Někam to dotáhnem. Do pekla? Do ráje?
We'll get somewhere. To hell? To heaven? Have no fear.
Výskni si, když ti strach srdce vzal do tlapy.
Shout out, darling, if fear has your heart in its grip.
Parník je v pohodě, teprv se potápí.
The steamboat is fine, it's just sinking at first, take a sip.

Авторы: Michal Horacek, Petr Hapka

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