Jaydan - MODA - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Jaydan - MODA

Ladies and gentleman
Ladies and gentlemen
Bienvenidos a esta programación especial
Welcome to this special program
No se asusten que pronto volvemos a nuestra programación regular
Don't be scared, we'll be back to our regular programming soon
Este es el disco
This is the album
Estamo' en moda y porque soy cristiano eso les incomoda
We're in fashion and because I'm a Christian it makes them uncomfortable
Quieren vernos atrás, vernos en la cola
They want to see us behind, see us in the back
Pero ya no hay quien detenga esta ola
But there's no one to stop this wave anymore
Así que prende la radiola
So turn on the radio
Estamo' en moda y porque soy cristiano eso les incomoda
We're in fashion and because I'm a Christian it makes them uncomfortable
Quieren vernos atrás, vernos en la cola
They want to see us behind, see us in the back
Pero ya no hay quien detenga
But there's no one to stop it anymore
'Tamo' en moda, tamo' en moda, tamo' en moda, moda, moda
We're in fashion, we're in fashion, we're in fashion, fashion, fashion
'Tamo' en moda, moda, moda, moda
We're in fashion, fashion, fashion, fashion
'Tamo' en moda, moda, moda, moda
We're in fashion, fashion, fashion, fashion
'Tamo' en moda, moda, moda, moda
We're in fashion, fashion, fashion, fashion
'Tamo' en moda, moda, moda, moda (yeah)
We're in fashion, fashion, fashion, fashion (yeah)
Vamos pa' encimota, baby
Let's go up, baby
Como Redimi2 yo les traigo el gravy
Like Redimi2 I bring you the gravy
Haciéndoles el fly, MJ en los ninety
Doing the fly, MJ in the nineties
Que un juguete no es juguete si no es de KB
That a toy is not a toy if it's not from KB
No soy perfecto, eso está claro (claro)
I'm not perfect, that's clear (clear)
Sin mi Dios soy un desastre por eso no me separo
Without my God I'm a mess that's why I don't separate
He flaqueado más no me he quitado (never)
I have faltered but I have not quit (never)
Y antes de juzgarme, mira que no hayas fallado
And before you judge me, make sure you haven't failed
Pero nada, nada, no pasa nada
But nothing, nothing, nothing happens
Seguimos a paso firme en nuestra coordenada
We continue with a firm step in our coordinate
Vaya con calma y no se distraiga
Go calmly and don't get distracted
No vaya a ser que tropiece y se me caiga (¡ups!)
Don't let it be that you stumble and fall (oops!)
Quieren verme como menos por no ser irreverente
They want to see me as less for not being irreverent
Es que yo no voy con eso, con mi fe yo voy de frente (de frente)
It's that I don't go with that, with my faith I go head-on (head-on)
Estamo' en Dios, no estamo' en gente (na')
We're in God, we're not in people (nah)
Sacándola del parque, flow Roberto Clemente
Taking it out of the park, flow Roberto Clemente
Lo que hacen bien, lo hacemos mejor
What they do well, we do better
Porque no es por mis fuerzas es un poder superior
Because it's not by my strength it's a superior power
No te metas a la cocina si no quieres calentón
Don't go into the kitchen if you don't want to get hot
Pero si te gusta disfruta este reggaetón
But if you like it enjoy this reggaeton
Estamo' en moda y porque soy cristiano eso les incomoda
We're in fashion and because I'm a Christian it makes them uncomfortable
Quieren vernos atrás, vernos en la cola
They want to see us behind, see us in the back
Pero ya no hay quien detenga esta ola
But there's no one to stop this wave anymore
Así que prende la radiola
So turn on the radio
Estamo' en moda y porque soy cristiano eso les incomoda
We're in fashion and because I'm a Christian it makes them uncomfortable
Quieren vernos atrás, vernos en la cola
They want to see us behind, see us in the back
Pero ya no hay quien detenga
But there's no one to stop it anymore
'Tamo' en moda, tamo' en moda, tamo' en moda, moda, moda
We're in fashion, we're in fashion, we're in fashion, fashion, fashion
'Tamo' en moda, moda, moda, moda
We're in fashion, fashion, fashion, fashion
'Tamo' en moda, moda, moda, moda
We're in fashion, fashion, fashion, fashion
'Tamo' en moda, moda, moda, moda
We're in fashion, fashion, fashion, fashion
'Tamo' en moda, moda, moda, moda
We're in fashion, fashion, fashion, fashion
Lo hacemos fácil como artista marcial en Taiwán
We do it easy like a martial artist in Taiwan
Pescador de hombre como Pedro y Juan
Fisher of men like Peter and John
Tenemo' la salsa como Kentucky
We have the sauce like Kentucky
Y tenemos más punch que los puños de Rocky (knockout)
And we have more punch than Rocky's fists (knockout)
A cualquier flow y estilo yo me ajusto (jah)
To any flow and style I adjust (jah)
Si Dios no autoriza, entonces yo no lo produzco
If God doesn't authorize, then I don't produce it
Y es que le sirvo al Dios que creo los cielos
And it is that I serve the God who created the heavens
Dime tú, ¿qué artista lo supera?, ni Donatello
Tell me, what artist surpasses him, not even Donatello
Porque escogí cantar pa' él y no pa'
Because I chose to sing for him and not for myself
Dicen que no doy el grado, que la carrera perdí
They say that I don't give the grade, that I lost my career
Recuerda que no estamos en los tiempos de "Rin Tin Tin"
Remember that we are not in the times of "Rin Tin Tin"
Y a tu mala vibra hace rato le puse fin (tremenda)
And I put an end to your bad vibes a while ago (tremendous)
Seguro yo doy mis pasos
Sure I take my steps
Duro como cuando chamaquito en la escuela jugando tazo' (con lo' tazo')
Hard as when I was a kid in school playing tazo' (with the tazo')
Pichando nunca me envaso
Pitching I never get bottled
Como dice Leo: "pa' mis enemigos un abrazo"
As Leo says: "to my enemies a hug"
No importa si ando en carro o en patines
It doesn't matter if I'm in a car or on skates
Tengo visión 20-20 no necesito Visine
I have 20-20 vision I don't need Visine
Vi la película sin ir al cine
I saw the movie without going to the cinema
Si Dios me revela no hay forma que no atine
If God reveals to me there is no way I won't hit the mark
La paz que siento no se compra con millones
The peace I feel cannot be bought with millions
Ni con biene', ni con carro', ni mansione'
Not with goods, not with cars, not with mansions
¿Qué eso te suena clichoso, me supones?
Does that sound cheesy to you, do you suppose?
Es que la verdad no cambia, mala mía si te indispone (mala mía)
It's that the truth doesn't change, my bad if it upsets you (my bad)
No me recuesto de jompeos
I don't lie down on parties
La fe es la que me mueve, no los halagos, ni los trofeos
Faith is what moves me, not flattery or trophies
Los cheerleader se dejan pa'l juego
Cheerleaders are left for the game
Que empezamo' el 20-20 puestos pa'l meneo
That we started the 20-20 posts for the sway
Estamo' en moda y porque soy cristiano eso les incomoda
We're in fashion and because I'm a Christian it makes them uncomfortable
Quieren vernos atrás, vernos en la cola
They want to see us behind, see us in the back
Pero ya no hay quien detenga esta ola
But there's no one to stop this wave anymore
Así que prende la radiola
So turn on the radio
Estamo' en moda y porque soy cristiano eso les incomoda
We're in fashion and because I'm a Christian it makes them uncomfortable
Quieren vernos atrás, vernos en la cola
They want to see us behind, see us in the back
Pero ya no hay quien detenga
But there's no one to stop it anymore
Tamo' en moda, tamo' en moda, tamo' en moda, moda, moda
We're in fashion, we're in fashion, we're in fashion, fashion, fashion
Tamo' en moda, moda, moda, moda
We're in fashion, fashion, fashion, fashion
Tamo' en moda, moda, moda, moda
We're in fashion, fashion, fashion, fashion
Tamo' en moda, moda, moda, moda
We're in fashion, fashion, fashion, fashion
Tamo' en moda, moda, moda, moda
We're in fashion, fashion, fashion, fashion
Yeah, Jaydan
Yeah, Jaydan
Un reggeaton como pa' los tiempos del que no se quita, ja, ja
A reggaeton like for the times of the one that doesn't take off, ha, ha
Dejando un par de cosas clara'
Leaving a couple of things clear
Dímelo Karde on the drums
Tell me Karde on the drums
ReBron Music
ReBron Music
El disco
The album
disparas veneno, yo dispara agua de vida
You shoot poison, I shoot living water
Estamo' activo' que aguanten la embestida
We're active let them endure the onslaught
Yah, je, je
Yah, heh, heh

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