Jethro Tull - Voluspo - перевод текста песни на русский

Voluspo - Jethro Tullперевод на русский

Ek man jötna ár of borna
Помню я великанов былых,
Þá er forðum mik fædda höfðu
Что дали мне кров в те давние дни.
Níu man ek heima, níu íviðjur
Девять миров я знала, на древе том,
Mjötvið mæran fyr mold neðan
С могучими корнями в земле.
Ár var alda, þar er Ýmir byggði
Давным-давно, когда жил Имир,
Var-a sandr sær svalar unnir
Не было моря, ни волн прохладных, ни суши.
Jörð fannsk æva upphiminn
Не было земли, и небосвода не было,
Gap var ginnunga, en gras hvergi
Лишь зияющая бездна и пустота.
I remember yet the giants of Yore
I remember yet the giants of Yore
Who gave me bread in the days gone by
Who gave me bread in the days gone by
Nine worlds I knew, the nine in the tree
Nine worlds I knew, the nine in the tree
With mighty roots beneath the mould
With mighty roots beneath the mould
Of old was the age when Ymir lived
Of old was the age when Ymir lived
Sea nor cool waves nor sand, there were
Sea nor cool waves nor sand, there were
Earth had not been, nor heaven above
Earth had not been, nor heaven above
But a yawning gap and grass nowhere
But a yawning gap and grass nowhere

Авторы: Ian Scott Anderson

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