家家 feat. 方大同 - 在家裡 - перевод текста песни на английский

在家裡 - Jia Jia feat. 方大同перевод на английский

At Home
親愛的 下班 就早點回家 不要採 路邊 的野花
Honey, come home early after work. Don't pick the wildflowers along the roadside.
你愛的 天大地大 無牽無掛 在家裡 在家裡 在家裡
You love Heaven and Earth, free and unfettered, at home, at home, at home.
心愛的 柴米油鹽醬醋茶 一點一滴加 我加你等於家
My beloved, add oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, and tea bit by bit. You plus me equals home.
最愛的 要聽話 秋冬或春夏 我們永遠都不吵架
My dearest, please be obedient, in autumn, winter, spring or summer, we will never quarrel.
在家裡等你呀 在家裡賴你呀
Waiting for you at home, pestering you at home.
為你煮菜做飯 一半加一半
Cooking for you, half and half.
很平凡 卻不平淡 簡簡單單的浪漫
So ordinary, yet not mundane, such simple romance.
家是港灣 什麼都給 給給給給
Home is a haven, giving you everything.
每次擁抱晚安 每一個早安
Every hug before bed, every good morning.
All fill our lives with love.
有我有你 在家裡 (我有你 沒壓力)
With you and I at home (With you, no pressure).
喔阿娜答 在家裡 什麼都可以 統統隨便你
Oh honey, at home, anything goes, whatever you want.
家為你遮風雨 一輩子家會守護你
Home will shelter you from the wind and rain. Home will protect you for a lifetime.
在家裡 在家裡 在家裡 在家裡
At home, at home, at home, at home.
親愛的 加班 別太晚回家 需要你 溫暖 我臉頰
Honey, don't work too late. I need you to warm my cheeks.
你愛的 酸甜苦辣 大辣小辣 在家裡 在家裡 在家裡
You love the sweet, sour, bitter, and spicy, big or small, at home, at home, at home.

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