Joan Manuel Serrat - Malson Per Entregues - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Joan Manuel Serrat - Malson Per Entregues

Malson Per Entregues
Nightmare for Delivery
Aquell dilluns va alçar-ne neguitós
That Monday he woke up feeling anxious
I a l′esmorzar va comentar amb la dona
And at breakfast, he told his wife
Haver somniat que l'empaitava un home
About a dream where he was chased by a man
D′aspecte facinerós
With a villainous look
Armat amb un 38
Armed with a .38
Caçant-lo a trets per tota la ciutat,
Shooting at him all over the city,
Pels terrats i sota les clavegueres,
Across rooftops and under sewers,
Corre que corre i l'home aquell darrera,
He ran and ran with the man behind him,
Implacable i decidit
Relentless and determined
Com un àngel de la mort.
Like an angel of death.
Esfereït i cec, va ensopegar,
Terrified and blind, he stumbled,
Però ans que el botxí rematés la faena
But before the executioner could finish the job
Ell tragué una arma i amb mitja dotzena
He pulled out a gun and with half a dozen
De trets va deixar-lo estès
Shots, left him lying
Enmig d'un bassal de sang.
In a pool of blood.
I de darrera un arbre sortí en Pau,
And from behind a tree, Pau appeared,
Un company de penúries d′oficina,
A colleague from the hardships of the office,
Per ensorrar-li un ganivet de cuina
To plunge a kitchen knife
Al ferit en el clatell
Into the wounded man's neck
Com qui descabella un brau.
Like someone butchering a bull.
I l′endemà, assegut als peus del llit,
And the next day, sitting at the foot of the bed,
Ell li va dir, plorós, amb mala cara,
He told her, tearful, with a grimace,
Que el maleït malson continuava
That the damn nightmare continued
Amb ell al mig del carrer
With him in the middle of the street
Amb una pistola a la
With a gun in his hand
Que encara fumejava pel canó.
Still smoking from the barrel.
La gent cridava, plorava i corria.
People screamed, cried, and ran.
Ella volia moure els peus i no podia.
She wanted to move her feet but couldn't.
Què és el que estava passant?
What was happening?
Qui collons era aquell mort?
Who the hell was that dead man?
En Pau tampoc pogué fugir. Voltats
Pau couldn't escape either. Surrounded
De policies, cotxes i sirenes,
By police, cars, and sirens,
Les mans emmanillades a l'esquena,
Their hands handcuffed behind their backs,
A cops de puny i empentes
With punches and shoves
Se′ls van endur en un furgó.
They were taken away in a van.
Després un racó fosc i un llum als ulls
Then a dark corner and a light in their eyes
I uns homes fent preguntes i amenaces
And men asking questions and making threats
En relació a un mafiós mort a la plaça
Regarding a mobster killed in the plaza
Per dos fanàtics fidels
By two fanatic followers
A diabòlics rituals.
Of diabolical rituals.
Va despertar-se xop i tremolant
He woke up drenched and trembling
La nit següent cap a dos quarts de quatre.
The next night around a quarter to four.
"Demà sens falta anirem al psiquiatre...",
"Tomorrow, we're going to the psychiatrist...",
Ella va dir-se mentre ell
She told herself while he
Li contava sanglotant
Sobbed as he told her
Que el jutge, sense haver-se'ls escoltats,
That the judge, without having listened to them,
Els condemnava a divuit anys i un dia.
Sentenced them to eighteen years and a day.
Es pensava que mai més no tornaria
He thought he would never again
A mirar-se en els seus ulls
Look into her eyes
Ni a sucar pa en el seu plat.
Nor dip bread in her dish.
Per sort, en Pau, camí de la presó,
Luckily, Pau, on the way to prison,
Utilitzant la coneguda argúcia
Using the well-known trick
Del tinc pipí i tinc la pixera fluixa,
Of "I need to pee and my bladder is loose,"
Va saltar en marxa del tren
Jumped off the moving train
I va fugir en la foscor,
And fled into the darkness,
I ell es podria en un calabós fred
And he ended up in a cold cell
Amb un camell penjat que només reia
With a hanging camel that only laughed
I un transvestit amb barbes que li deia:
And a bearded transvestite who told him:
"Quan t′hi acostumis veuràs
"Once you get used to it, you'll see
Que no s'hi està malament."
It's not so bad here."
Quan van tornar del metge es va adormir
When they returned from the doctor, he fell asleep
Profundament com un nadó al sofà
Deeply like a baby on the sofa
I hauria pogut seguir clapant fins l′endemà
And could have continued sleeping until the next day
Si no l'hagués despertat
If he hadn't been woken up
La seva pobra muller
By his poor wife
Cridant que en Pau havia telefonat
Shouting that Pau had called
Que els de la pasma els segueixen les passes,
That the cops were on their trail,
Que no era un bon amagatall la casa,
That the house wasn't a good hiding place,
Que fondejat en el port
That a Greek ship was waiting
Esperava un vaixell grec.
Anchored in the port.
Caigué rodó i en recobrar-se tingué
He collapsed and upon regaining consciousness had
La sensació que el terra es bellugava,
The feeling that the ground was moving,
Va obrir els ulls i es va topar amb una cara
He opened his eyes and came face to face with
Molt semblat a Charles Boyer
Someone who looked a lot like Charles Boyer
Somrient-li a un pam de nas,
Smiling at him just inches away,
Oferint-li una tassa de cafè
Offering him a cup of coffee
I amb veu de vell llop de la mar li deia:
And with the voice of an old sea wolf, he said:
"Avez-vous bien dormi, madame, monsieur?
"Did you sleep well, madam, sir?
Dans une demie-heure nous
In half an hour we will
Arriverons à Marseille.
Arrive in Marseille.
C'est joli la liberté,
Freedom is beautiful,
N′est-ce pas, monsieur?
Isn't it, sir?
C′est joli la liberté."
Freedom is beautiful."

Авторы: Joan Manuel Serrat, Joaquin Freixas Pamias

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