Joan Manuel Serrat - Per Construir Un Bell Somni - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Joan Manuel Serrat - Per Construir Un Bell Somni

Per Construir Un Bell Somni
Building a Beautiful Dream
Per construir un bell somni
To build a beautiful dream
El primer que cal és estar despert,
The first thing you need is to be awake,
ferma per dur les brides
A firm hand to hold the reins
I fer-se un projecte a mida
And make a plan that fits you
Comptant que tot s′encongeix.
Knowing that everything shrinks.
Materials de primera.
First-class materials.
Amples i profunds els seus fonaments,
Its foundations wide and deep,
A prova de malentesos,
Proof against misunderstandings,
Compromisos, interessos
Commitments, interests
I accidents.
And accidents.
Orientat al sud i protegit dels vents.
Facing south and protected from the winds.
Res no cura les ferides com un bell somni.
Nothing heals wounds like a beautiful dream.
Qui és que no arrisca la vida per un bell somni?
Who doesn't risk their life for a beautiful dream?
Què seria de nosaltres sense un bell somni?
What would become of us without a beautiful dream?
Què en faríem, del dia i de la nit?
What would we do with the day and the night?
Per construir un bell somni
To build a beautiful dream
Cal posar-s'hi a plena dedicació
You have to dedicate yourself fully
I estar pendent, a tota hora,
And be attentive, at all hours,
De si riu, si dorm, si plora
Whether it laughs, sleeps, or cries
Com si es tractés d′un nadó.
As if it were a baby.
I pel de l'empresa
And for the sake of the business
és indispensable estar assabentat
It is essential to be aware
Que a la fi de la proesa
That at the end of the task
Serà una sorpresa
It will be a surprise
El seu resultat.
Its result.
Hi ha un bon tros entre els somnis i la realitat.
There is a long way between dreams and reality.
Res no cura les ferides com un bell somni.
Nothing heals wounds like a beautiful dream.
Qui és que no arrisca la vida per un bell somni?
Who doesn't risk their life for a beautiful dream?
Què seria de nosaltres sense un bell somni?
What would become of us without a beautiful dream?
Què en faríem, del dia i de la nit?
What would we do with the day and the night?
Per construir un bell somni
To build a beautiful dream
Cal a més a més ser prou eixerit
You also have to be smart enough
-Quan es gira la fortuna-
-When fortune turns-
Per sortir d'entre les runes
To get out of the ruins
I fer-ne un altre, tot seguit.
And make another one, right away.

Авторы: Juan Manuel Serrat

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