Jofre Bardagí - Junts - перевод текста песни на английский

Junts - Jofre Bardagíперевод на английский

Com fas que la vida sembli fàcil?
How do you make life seem so easy?
Com desprens tanta energia?
How do you exude so much energy?
I envy you
Vull mirar les coses com les mires
I want to look at things the way you do
I tenir tanta il•lusió
And have so much enthusiasm
Tenir sempre una raó
To always have a reason
Vull que quan la gent amb miri
I want people to look at me
Vegi algú amb ganes de viure
And see someone with a thirst for life
I no aquest petit noiet
And not this immature boy
Que molt de tant en tant
Who occasionally
Fa alguna cançó maca
Writes a beautiful song
Vull que vegis
I want you to see
Com et veig jo a tu...
How I see you...
Vull canviar
I want to change
Jo vull sentir-me ple de vida
I want to feel full of life
Estic fart de no fer res
I'm tired of doing nothing
Tant fart de no implicar-me amb res
So tired of not getting involved in anything
Jo vull mirar aquest món
I want to look at this world
I sentir que en formo part.
And feel like I'm a part of it.
Tu fas defecte una virtut
You make a flaw a virtue
I de la llàgrima un somriure
And a tear a smile
Fas màgia
You make magic
Fas que tot em sembli diferent
You make everything seem different to me
Vull tenir il•lusió
I want to have enthusiasm
Tenir sempre una raó
To always have a reason
I que tot el que m'enfonsa avui
And for everything that brings me down today
Demà sigui el que m'aixeca
To be what lifts me up tomorrow
Vull deixar de ser un suplent:
I want to stop being a substitute:
Jo vull sortir d'aquí
I want to get out of here
I jugar de titular
And play as a starter
Vull que vegis
I want you to see
Com et veig jo a tu...
How I see you...
Vull canviar
I want to change
Jo vull sentir-me ple de vida
I want to feel full of life
Estic fart de no fer res
I'm tired of doing nothing
Tant fart de no implicar-me amb res
So tired of not getting involved in anything
Jo vull mirar aquest món
I want to look at this world
I sentir que en formo part.
And feel like I'm a part of it.
No vull seguir
I don't want to continue
Mirant la vida des de fora
Watching life from the sidelines
Per que encara em queda temps
Because I still have time
De jugar aquesta partida
To play this game
Que ningú ho farà per mi
No one will do it for me
I he de moure fitxa ja...
And I have to make my move now...
I junts li riurem a la vida
And together we'll laugh at life
Junts sortirem a jugar
Together we'll go out and play
Junts escriurem de la partida
Together we'll write the game
Junts tornarem a somiar
Together we'll dream again
Vull canviar
I want to change
Jo vull sentir-me ple de vida
I want to feel full of life
Estic fart de no fer res
I'm tired of doing nothing
Tant fart de no implicar-me amb res
So tired of not getting involved in anything
Jo vull mirar aquest món
I want to look at this world
I sentir que en formo part.
And feel like I'm a part of it.
No vull seguir
I don't want to continue
Mirant la vida des de fora
Watching life from the sidelines
Per que encara em queda temps
Because I still have time
De jugar aquesta partida
To play this game
Que ningú ho farà per mi
No one will do it for me
I he de moure fitxa ja...
And I have to make my move now...
I junts li riurem a la vida
And together we'll laugh at life
Junts sortirem a jugar
Together we'll go out and play
Junts escriurem de la partida
Together we'll write the game
Junts tornarem a somiar
Together we'll dream again
Junts cantarem a la vida
Together we'll sing to life
Junts sortirem del forat
Together we'll get out of the hole
Junts guanyarem la partida
Together we'll win the game
Junts tornarem a somiar
Together we'll dream again

Авторы: Luis Gomez-escolar Roldan, Giannino Gastaldo

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