Juan Gabriel - Catalina - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Juan Gabriel - Catalina

Te acuerdas que cuando niño
Do you remember when you were a child,
Yo te llevaba a caballito
I used to give you piggyback rides?
Se nos pasaban las horas
Hours would fly by
Jugando lindo los dos solitos
As we played happily, just the two of us.
Ahora tengo un buen caballo
Now I have a fine horse,
Le puse el rayo, por ser veloz
I named him Rayo, for his speed.
Te llevo a montar ahora
I'll take you for a ride now,
A cualquier hora sólo los dos
Any time, just the two of us.
Móntate y móntate
Get on, get on,
Cógete de mi cintura
Hold onto my waist.
No teme a su descriatura
Don't be afraid of your creature,
Nada más cógete bien
Just hold on tight.
Móntate y móntate
Get on, get on,
Este si es un buen caballo
This is a good horse,
Y en menos que canta un gallo
And in less time than a rooster crows,
Yo a montar te enseñaré
I'll teach you how to ride.
Caramba, mi catalina
Wow, my Catalina,
¿Cómo estás guapa?
How beautiful you are!
Y como has crecí'o
And how you've grown.
Ya veo que contigo el tiempo
I see that time with you
Ya esta'o más grande
Has been more than generous.
Y no ha perdido
And it hasn't been wasted.
No te asustes, Catalina
Don't be scared, Catalina,
Que esto yo bien lo hacer
I know what I'm doing.
Yo ya no soy aquel niño
I'm not that little boy anymore,
Y tu estás hecha una mujer
And you're a woman now.
Móntate, móntate
Get on, get on,
Cógete de mi cintura
Hold onto my waist.
No teme a su descriatura
Don't be afraid of your creature,
Nada más cógete bien
Just hold on tight.
Móntate y móntate
Get on, get on,
Este si es un buen caballo
This is a good horse,
Y en menos que canta un gallo
And in less time than a rooster crows,
Yo a montar te enseñaré
I'll teach you how to ride.
Me dijo: "dale de espacio
You told me: "Give him space,
Veo que te gusta correr"
I see you like to run."
Si no me haces caso
If you don't listen to me,
Yo ya no vuelvo a querer
I won't love you anymore.
Y agárrate, Catalina
And hold on tight, Catalina,
Que vamos a galopar
Because we're going to gallop
Con rumbo hacia la cortina
Towards the curtain,
Donde me voy a bañar
Where I'm going to take a bath.
Me dijo mi Catalina:
My Catalina told me:
"Llévame a la soliadero
"Take me to the soliadero,
Voy a enseñarte una cueva
I'm going to show you a cave
Donde entrarás primero"
Where you'll enter first."
Móntate y móntate
Get on, get on,
Cógete de mi cintura
Hold onto my waist.
No teme a su descriatura
Don't be afraid of your creature,
Nada mas cógete bien
Just hold on tight.
Móntate y móntate
Get on, get on,
Este si es un buen caballo
This is a good horse,
Y en menos que canta un gallo
And in less time than a rooster crows,
Yo a montar te enseñaré
I'll teach you how to ride.
Cuando me metí a la cueva
When I entered the cave,
Yo me sentí, como en mi casa
I felt at home.
Le dije: "no tengas miedo
I told her: "Don't be afraid,
Conmigo nada te pasa"
Nothing will happen to you with me."
Caramba, te gusta el trote
Wow, you like the trot,
Y es por esa no lo creo
And that's why I don't believe it.
Una yegua a mi caballo
A mare to my horse
Le enseño ese controleo
Taught me that control.
Móntate y móntate
Get on, get on,
Cógete de mi cintura
Hold onto my waist.
No teme a su descriatura
Don't be afraid of your creature,
Nada mas cógete bien
Just hold on tight.
Móntate y móntate
Get on, get on,
Este si es un buen caballo
This is a good horse,
Y en menos que canta un gallo
And in less time than a rooster crows,
Yo a montar te enseñaré
I'll teach you how to ride.
Y así pasaron las horas
And so the hours passed
En aquel atardecer
In that afternoon.
Pero se veía a lo lejos
But in the distance, it looked
Como que quería llover
Like it was going to rain.
Vámonos, vámonos
Let's go, let's go,
Que empieza a caer la noche
Night is starting to fall.
No es bueno que llegues tarde
It's not good for you to be late,
Ay, tu papá se va ha enojar
Oh, your dad is going to be angry.
Vámonos, vámonos
Let's go, let's go,
Vámonos mi Catalina
Let's go, my Catalina.
Ahora lleva tu al caballo
Now you take the horse,
Yo ya te enseñé a montar
I already taught you how to ride.

Авторы: Aguilera Valadez Alberto

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