Ja znam da sam surov i sram mi je svaka pesma reperi moji super ortaci jednostavno su ratnici nisu poslodavci uvek kada dodje momenat da napravimo hit zajednickim snagama da polomimo bit povlace se u kuci i glume underground usao sam u ivri koja nema kraja stiven sigal imamo ista jaja mozda sam vas voleo mozda volim vad jos i mozda prema vama ja bio sam los jebes opravdanja za sve sam kriv znam iz bog toga ja u ovoj igri ja ostao sam
I know I'm harsh, and I'm ashamed of every song, my rapper friends, my super homies, they're simply warriors, not bosses, always when the moment comes to make a hit, to break every bit, with joint forces, they retreat to their place and play underground, I've entered an eternity that has no end, Steven Seagal, we have the same balls, maybe I loved you, maybe I still do, and maybe I was wrong towards you, fuck excuses, I'm guilty of everything, I know cuz of that, in this game, I'm the one left.
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