JUJU - Dreamer - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский JUJU - Dreamer

蒼く光ってる空を ふと見上げた
I look up to the sky, it's shining blue
こんな日は まだあの日のことを 思い出すよ
On a day like this, I remember what happened that day
数え切れない涙が 流れたけど
Uncountable tears have fallen
伝えたい言葉は奥の方で くすぶってる
But the words I want to say are smoldering deep inside
悔しくて 苦しい日々は
The painful and difficult days
今も胸にずっと 焼き付いているから 強くなれる
Are still carved into my chest, so I'll become stronger
今でも叶えたい 夢が溢れてる
Still, there are dreams I want to come true
I'll embrace all the pain
何度も 何度も 諦めそうでも
Many, many times, I felt like giving up
うつむいてしまっては 君の笑顔さえ見れないよ
But if I hang my head, I can't even see your smile
ただそっと寄り添ってくれた 君がいたね
There was you, just quietly staying by my side
さりげない優しさに気付かず 甘えていた
I didn't notice your simple kindness, I was just being selfish
いつかまた どこかの街で 出会うことがあるなら
If someday we meet again somewhere
君が誇れるような 人でいたい
I want to be a person that you would be proud of
弱気な自分に さよならをつげて
I can say goodbye to the weak me
どんな もどかしさも引き連れて
And carry all the frustrations along with me
迷いも 不安も 愛しく見えたら
When even doubts and fears become dear
今日までとは違う 景色が待ってるって信じて
I believe that a new scenery awaits me, which is different from today
心配なんてしないでいいよ あの日見せた最後のつよがりを
Don't worry about it, that last stubbornness I showed you that day
Will you still remember for now? It would be nice
君と過ごした日々はいまも 輝いている
The days I spent with you still shine brightly
今でも叶えたい 夢は溢れてる
Still, there are dreams I want to come true
I'll embrace all the pain
何度も 何度も 諦めそうでも
Many, many times, I felt like giving up
うつむいてしまっては 君の笑顔さえ見れないよ
But if I hang my head, I can't even see your smile

Авторы: 高木 洋一郎, 高木 洋一郎

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