Jul feat. Baby Gang - Blocco - перевод текста песни на английский

Blocco - Jul , Baby Gang перевод на английский

(2nd Roof Music)
(2nd Roof Music)
Oh, oh, sei pattuglie sotto il mio blocco
Oh, oh, there are six patrols under my block
Vogliono la coco, ma da tempo non la tocco
They want the coco, but I haven't touched it for a long time
Puoi chiamarmi pure "Baby loco"
You can call me "Baby loco" too
Tanto non mi fotti, sono sempre io che fotto
Because you won't screw me, it's always me who screws
Sei pattuglie sotto il mio blocco
Six patrols under my block
Vogliono la coco, ma da tempo non la tocco
They want the coco, but I haven't touched it for a long time
Puoi chiamarmi pure "Baby loco"
You can call me "Baby loco" too
Tanto non mi fotti, sono sempre io che fotto
Because you won't screw me, it's always me who screws
Piccoli e grandi, la prendevo al due e la vendevo al venti
Small and big, I took it at two and sold it at twenty
Cinquecentomila euro in cinque assegni
Five hundred thousand euros in five checks
Non abbiamo un capo, siamo capo di noi stessi
We don't have a leader, we are our own boss
Ti hanno scavallato perché hai fatto troppo flexing
They jumped you because you were flexing too much
E non hai mai aiutato chi ha bisogno e non ha i mezzi
And you never helped those in need who don't have the means
Ho fatto più soldi in droga che quelli fatti in concerti
I made more money in drugs than they did in concerts
Per quello che non mi sento un rapper, noi siamo diversi
That's why I don't feel like a rapper, we're different
Sento "ni-no-ni-no", tieni d'occhio il tuo cavallino
I hear "ni-no-ni-no", keep an eye on your little horse
Che ad incularti è sempre quello vicino
Because the one who's gonna fuck you is always the one next to you
Quello che hai chiamato fratellino
The one you called your little brother
Quello che hai insegnato a come stare nel giro
The one you taught how to stay in the loop
Poi dopo si gira
Then he turns around
Ti gira le spalle per i soldi, per la figa
He turns his back on you for money, for pussy
Ho ancora più palle, ancora più grosse di prima
I still have more balls, even bigger than before
Morirò da uomo e non mi importa di 'sta vita (gang shit)
I'll die a man and I don't care about this life (gang shit)
Oh, oh, sei pattuglie sotto il mio blocco
Oh, oh, there are six patrols under my block
Vogliono la coco, ma da tempo non la tocco
They want the coco, but I haven't touched it for a long time
Puoi chiamarmi pure "Baby loco"
You can call me "Baby loco" too
Tanto non mi fotti, sono sempre io che fotto
Because you won't screw me, it's always me who screws
Sei pattuglie sotto il mio blocco
Six patrols under my block
Vogliono la coco, ma da tempo non la tocco
They want the coco, but I haven't touched it for a long time
Puoi chiamarmi pure "Baby loco"
You can call me "Baby loco" too
Tanto non mi fotti, sono sempre io che fotto
Because you won't screw me, it's always me who screws
Wesh poto
Wesh poto
Tu parles mal dans mon dos, soi-disant t'es mon sang
You talk bad about me behind my back, you say you're my blood
J'comprends pas, t'es un puto
I don't understand, you're a puto
Oh-oh, puto, oh-oh
Oh-oh, puto, oh-oh
Je, je joue le bandit (ah-ah)
I, I play the bandit (ah-ah)
J'fais pas le traître tant qu'j'suis en vie (ah-ah)
I don't betray as long as I'm alive (ah-ah)
Masqué, j'fais des tours en ville (ah-ah)
Masked, I do tours in the city (ah-ah)
Ça sent pas bon ces temps-ci (ah-ah)
It doesn't smell good these days (ah-ah)
Dédicace à c'qui m'ont pas lâché
Dedication to those who didn't leave me
J'reste anti puto, anti BDH
I stay anti-puto, anti-BDH
Scooter, gant, cagoule et arme à feu
Scooter, glove, hood and firearm
Par jalousie, ça veut t'arracher, t'arracher
Out of jealousy, they want to tear you apart, tear you apart
La vie, les petits sont kalashés, kalashés
Life, the little ones are Kalash-armed, Kalash-armed
Ta vie faut pas la gâcher, la gâcher
Your life, you shouldn't waste it, waste it
Et de jour en jour, tu me déçois
And day by day, you disappoint me
Ouais, sur pépé, tu m'as déçu
Yeah, on grandpa, you disappointed me
Tes actions, tout l'monde les voit
Your actions, everyone sees them
Ça t'fait plaisir de nous cracher dessus
It pleases you to spit on us
Et tant pis, moi mon chemin, il est tracé
And too bad, my path is set
Tant pis si d'ma vie j'dois t'effacer
Too bad if I have to erase you from my life
Maintenant mon cœur, il est glacé
Now my heart is frozen
Oh, oh, sei pattuglie sotto il mio blocco
Oh, oh, there are six patrols under my block
Vogliono la coco, ma da tempo non la tocco
They want the coco, but I haven't touched it for a long time
Puoi chiamarmi pure "Baby loco"
You can call me "Baby loco" too
Tanto non mi fotti, sono sempre io che fotto
Because you won't screw me, it's always me who screws
Sei pattuglie sotto il mio blocco
Six patrols under my block
Vogliono la coco, ma da tempo non la tocco
They want the coco, but I haven't touched it for a long time
Puoi chiamarmi pure "Baby loco"
You can call me "Baby loco" too
Tanto non mi fotti, sono sempre io che fotto
Because you won't screw me, it's always me who screws

Авторы: 2nd Roof, Baby Gang, Jul

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