Jurko - Je - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Jurko - Je

It Is
Moje topánky nešliapu hlavy, ale cigarety
My shoes don't step on heads, but cigarettes
Rozmýšlam ako na tripe, ale nikdy nie som zjetý
I think like I'm tripping, but I'm never high
Je to tak, je to jedno, žial bohu bohužial
It is what it is, it doesn't matter, unfortunately, oh so unfortunately
Vo vrecku starej bundy, drogy mekáč drobné žial
In the pocket of my old jacket, drugs, McDonald's, small change, sorrow
Je to tak, je to jedno, žial bohu bohužial
It is what it is, it doesn't matter, unfortunately, oh so unfortunately
Vo vrecku starej bundy, drogy mekáč drobné žial
In the pocket of my old jacket, drugs, McDonald's, small change, sorrow
Je to tak, je to jedno, žial bohu bohužial
It is what it is, it doesn't matter, unfortunately, oh so unfortunately
Snažit sa aj nesnažiť sa, všetko som vyskúšal
Trying and not trying, I've tried everything
Žonglujem opitý, žonglujú pocity
I juggle drunk, feelings juggle
Nemotorne padajú lopty, som pochybný
Balls fall clumsily, I'm dubious
Smetný kôš, naplnený ideami od nudy
Trash can, filled with ideas from boredom
Halucínogénna para, ponorí ma do vody
Hallucinogenic vapor, plunges me into the water
Stojím na jednom mieste
I stand in one place
Fatamorgána ma berie za ruku
A mirage takes my hand
Nezdržiavam sa dlho v meste
I don't stay in the city for long
Stretneš ma za lesom, kde podpaľujem lúku
You'll meet me beyond the forest, where I'm setting the meadow on fire
Na čo sa spoznávať, keď nepoznáme sami seba
Why get to know each other when we don't know ourselves
Zrkadlo, zrkadlo, teba tu netreba
Mirror, mirror, you're not needed here anymore
Moje otázky mi nezodpovieš ani ty ani ja ani ty ani ja ani ty ani ja
My questions won't be answered by you or me or you or me or you or me
Je to celé bla bla, aj keď nevlavládzem nehádžem sa na zem
It's all blah blah, even though I'm exhausted I don't throw myself on the ground
Som vysoko od zeme, na tvári mám snehobiely krém
I'm high above the ground, with snow-white cream on my face
To čo mám na mysli je extrém
What I have in mind is extreme
A zrazu padám, padám yabadabadabadoo
And suddenly I'm falling, falling yabadabadabadoo
Ja dávam za sebou, omrvinky z chleba menšie ako štiepok atómu
I leave behind me, bread crumbs smaller than a sliver of an atom
Točím sa v bermúdskom okruhu
I'm spinning in the Bermuda Triangle
Okolo, dokola, kolo kolo mlýnske
Around and around, round and round the mill
Moju dušu nevykúpiš ani za štyri rýnske
You can't buy my soul, not even for four Rhine
Aspoň jedno mi povedz, kto vlastne vy ste
Tell me at least one thing, who are you
My sme tiene ktoré v noci sledujú ťa v izbe
We are the shadows that watch you in your room at night
Ja mám sa skvelo, sa skvelo
I'm doing great, great
Nič vo mne nie je
There's nothing inside me
Všetko osirelo, -sirelo
Everything's orphaned, -orphaned
Prosím neklaď mi otázky
Please don't ask me questions
Na telo, na telo
About my body, about my body
Späť nevtelím sa do tela
I won't incarnate back into a body
Videlo, videlo
It saw, it saw
To čo neopíšem, stále
What I can't describe, constantly
Krátili, krátili
Shortening, shortening
Dni večere noci, mňa to
Days, evenings, nights, it
Delilo, delilo
Divided, divided
Od sveta, do sveta kričím
Me from the world, into the world I shout
Priaznivo, prázdno
Favorably, empty
Vonku, vnútry prázdno
Outside, inside empty
Vyvetraj aspoň na chvílu, nech pocítim lásku
Ventilate at least for a moment, let me feel love
Koľko lží a koľko právd
How many lies and how many truths
Musím prekonať aby som bol tvoj kamarát
Must I overcome to be your friend
Ja mám to rád, ja mám to rád
I like it, I like it
Keď je, o čom snívať
When there's something to dream about
Keď je, možné lietať
When it's possible to fly
Je to tak, je to jedno, žial bohu bohužial
It is what it is, it doesn't matter, unfortunately, oh so unfortunately
Vo vrecku starej bundy, drogy mekáč drobné žial
In the pocket of my old jacket, drugs, McDonald's, small change, sorrow
Je to tak, je to jedno, žial bohu bohužial
It is what it is, it doesn't matter, unfortunately, oh so unfortunately
Snažit sa aj nesnažiť sa, všetko som vyskúšal
Trying and not trying, I've tried everything
Koľko lží a koľko právd
How many lies and how many truths
Musím prekonať aby som bol tvoj kamarát
Must I overcome to be your friend
Ja mám to rád, ja mám to rád
I like it, I like it
Keď je, o čom snívať
When there's something to dream about
Keď je, možné lietať
When it's possible to fly

Авторы: Juraj Mraz

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