K Dub Shine - マキシマムリスペクト - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский K Dub Shine - マキシマムリスペクト

Maximum Respect
これ全ての働く女性たちへ 感謝とリスペクト込めマジで
To all the working women out there I send my heartfelt thanks and respect
プレッシャーの多い分 余計 真面目 出世のチャンス「予定は未定?」
The pressure is high, but they work even harder The chance of promotion is "uncertain?"
なぜか世の中は男中心 でも相談できるほどの友人
For some reason, the world revolves around men Yet they have no friends they can confide in
全くいない どの職場も 家で見るドラマも 録画の
Not one Their workplaces and their recorded dramas on TV
人の悩みに涙もろく 男の倍以上 何か努力
Make them shed tears over the troubles of others They work twice as hard as men making an effort
ランチも自家製 ハンドメイド 新品のヒール バンドエイド
They make their own lunches and do their own handiwork They wear new heels and carry spare Band-Aids
髪に化粧 アクセサリー 好きな小物類 集めたり
They have nice hair, makeup, nails, and accessories They collect trinkets like it's their passion
誰も来る前にさしかえる花 言葉きれい わきまえるマナー
They water the flowers before anyone arrives They understand beautiful words and manners
ひんぱんに食事 酒つき合い 責任感強く 負けず嫌い
They often socialize and drink They are responsible and competitive
経験もつめるだけつみたい 今はもう女も勝てる時代
They gain as much experience as they can These days, women can win
誰も見てないとこ見つけ マキシマムリスペクト
Find a place where no one is watching, give her maximum respect
あげたらきりない 実例 マキシマムリスペクト
Countless examples of what I'm talking about, maximum respect
いい話もよく聞くね マキシマムリスペクト
We often hear good stories, maximum respect
みんな感謝する いずれ マキシマムリスペクト
Everyone will appreciate it, eventually, maximum respect
若い母親達 特にきれい だから彼女らのコト曲にして
Young mothers are especially beautiful That's why I wrote this song for them
最大限に送りたい ビッグアップ 子供に命さえかける 美学
I want to send them my biggest props for giving their children life, it's a beautiful thing
買い物いつも手つないで 我が子のために 犠牲 プライベート
They go shopping holding their child's hand They sacrifice their privacy for their child
つきあいで 詳しくなるアニメ 誰と誰とが 何と何で
They learn about anime through their kids Who's who and what's what
少しかいま見る 小さな世界 夢や願いは意外にデカい
For a little while, they experience a small world Their dreams and wishes are surprisingly big
無邪気な寝顔 見てて笑顔 心配しすぎる 病気やケガを
They smile when they see their child's innocent sleeping face They worry too much about illness and injury
娘や息子の目を見つめ 少しずつ 理解させるしつけ
They look into their daughter's or son's eyes and patiently teach them discipline
母親が子供に注ぐ愛 より深いものなんて この世にない
A mother's love for her child is the deepest love in the world
子育ての姿が魅力的 女としても 一層素敵
Their parenting is attractive As women, they become even more amazing
かけるだけ かえってくる 愛情 楽しみにしてな 未来を
Love only grows when you give it Look forward to the future
誰も見てないとこ見つけ マキシマムリスペクト
Find a place where no one is watching, give her maximum respect
あげたらきりない 実例 マキシマムリスペクト
Countless examples of what I'm talking about, maximum respect
いい話もよく聞くね マキシマムリスペクト
We often hear good stories, maximum respect
みんな感謝する いずれ マキシマムリスペクト
Everyone will appreciate it, eventually, maximum respect
この最後のヴァースは戦士達へ 昔からここには天使がいて
This last verse is for the warriors Throughout history, there have been angels here
公平さ求め かけた命 頭にただ「平等」の2文字
Seeking fairness, risking their lives Their minds are set on "equality"
力より 知性で強さ見せ 勇敢な姿勢で変えた規則
They use their intelligence instead of force to show their strength Their brave stance changed the rules
その気持ち通じた結果 もうめったにない差別 偏見も減った
Their feelings resonated, and as a result, discrimination and prejudice are now rare
男女同権 実現に貢献 全部勝ち取った同じ条件
They contributed to the realization of gender equality They achieved everything on equal terms
政治家 弁護士に医者 教授 女優にモデル 決めポーズ
Politicians, lawyers, doctors, professors, actresses, and models strike a pose
現在は人類学的にも 初めて女がこの歴史上
Anthropologically speaking, this is the first time in history
That women have made such great strides in society and are so active
成功した男らのカゲにも 必ずいる ヤマトナデシコ
Behind every successful man is a Yamato Nadeshiko
子供達の未来のためにも このままいけるとこまでいこう
For the sake of our children's future, let's keep going as far as we can
誰も見てないとこ見つけ マキシマムリスペクト
Find a place where no one is watching, give her maximum respect
あげたらきりない 実例 マキシマムリスペクト
Countless examples of what I'm talking about, maximum respect
いい話もよく聞くね マキシマムリスペクト
We often hear good stories, maximum respect
みんな感謝する いずれ マキシマムリスペクト
Everyone will appreciate it, eventually, maximum respect
誰も見てないとこ見つけ マキシマムリスペクト
Find a place where no one is watching, give her maximum respect
あげたらきりない 実例 マキシマムリスペクト
Countless examples of what I'm talking about, maximum respect
いい話もよく聞くね マキシマムリスペクト
We often hear good stories, maximum respect
みんな感謝する いずれ マキシマムリスペクト
Everyone will appreciate it, eventually, maximum respect

Авторы: 各務 貢太, D−ORIGINU, D-ORIGINU, 各務 貢太

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