Kapitán Demo feat. Program & Givi Kross - Poslední Večeře Pánve - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Kapitán Demo feat. Program & Givi Kross - Poslední Večeře Pánve

Poslední Večeře Pánve
Holy Supper of the Pan
Všichni kolem furt vařej ale jenom žeru
Everyone around me is always cooking, but I just eat
jenom žeru, jenom žeru
I just eat, I just eat
Všichni kolem furt vařej ale jenom žeru
Everyone around me is always cooking, but I just eat
jenom žeru, jenom žeru
I just eat, I just eat
Všichni kolem furt vařej ale jenom žeru
Everyone around me is always cooking, but I just eat
jenom žeru, jenom žeru
I just eat, I just eat
Všichni kolem furt vařej ale jenom žeru
Everyone around me is always cooking, but I just eat
jenom žeru, jenom žeru
I just eat, I just eat
Všichni kolem furt vařej ale jenom žeru
Everyone around me is always cooking, but I just eat
jenom žeru, jenom žeru
I just eat, I just eat
Všichni jsou ze odvařený, jim na to seru
Everyone's wild about me, but I don't give a damn
ti na to seru, ti na to seru
I don't give a damn, I don't give a damn
Mám tronbónový beaty, nadívaný kopáky
I've got trombone beats, filled with snares
Restovaný gateway, grilovaný synťáky
Roasted gateway, grilled synths
Kůň Převalskýho se mi v troubě peče
Przewalski's horse cooks in my oven
Zatáhnu za splachovadlo a Dom Pérignon teče
I pull the flush, and Dom Pérignon flows
Cejtím to hovno z mašiny, se jak sašimi
I can smell the shit from the engine, I feel like sashimi
Ten zajebanej beef se vařil sous-vide
This fucked up beef was cooked sous-vide
Když si sypu svoje rapy všechno se vším jsem jak sůl
When I sprinkle my raps, I go with everything like salt
Jsem všehochuť, jsem nekonečnej jako švédskej stůl
I'm an omnivore, I'm endless like a Swedish buffet
Všichni kolem furt vařej ale jenom žeru
Everyone around me is always cooking, but I just eat
jenom žeru, jenom žeru
I just eat, I just eat
Všichni kolem furt vařej ale jenom žeru
Everyone around me is always cooking, but I just eat
jenom žeru, jenom žeru
I just eat, I just eat
Všichni kolem furt vařej ale jenom žeru
Everyone around me is always cooking, but I just eat
jenom žeru, jenom žeru
I just eat, I just eat
Všichni kolem furt vařej ale jenom žeru
Everyone around me is always cooking, but I just eat
jenom, jenom, jenom žeru
I just, I just, I just eat
Všichni fotí svoje jídlo, jim na to seru
Everyone takes photos of their food, but I don't give a damn
jim na to seru, jim na to seru
I don't give a damn, I don't give a damn
Všichni jsou teď foodblogeři, jim to nežeru
Everyone's a food blogger now, but I don't buy it
jim to nežeru, jim to nežeru
I don't buy it, I don't buy it
Dneska ti uvařím brambory s mákem
Today I'm going to cook you potatoes with poppy seeds
Nakopu ti prdelačku, zamíchám ptákem
I'm going to kick your ass, stir it with a bird
A kámo, tvojí mámu namelu do salámu
And dude, I'm going to grind your mom into salami
A tvýho tátu nastrouhám do salátu
And I'm going to grate your dad into salad
(Takže dneska u stolu atmosféra byla... je)
(So the atmosphere at the table today was... is)
(Atmosféra u stolu je)
(The atmosphere at the table is)
(Atmosféra u stolu je... hustá byla)
(The atmosphere at the table is... was thick)
(Protože jsme čekaly na předkrm hodně dlouho)
(Because we waited for the appetizer for a long time)
(Ještě jsme před jídlem, jo?)
(Before the meal, right?)
(Vzpomeň si, když jste přišly, v jaký jste byly náladě)
(Remember when you came in, what mood you were in)
(Jaká s holkama tam byla atmosféra)
(What the atmosphere was like with the girls there)
(Atmosféra je)
(The atmosphere is)
(Atmosféra je... byla... byla u stolu)
(The atmosphere is... was... was at the table)
Všichni kolem furt vařej ale jenom žeru
Everyone around me is always cooking, but I just eat
jenom žeru, jenom žeru
I just eat, I just eat
Všichni kolem furt vařej ale jenom žeru
Everyone around me is always cooking, but I just eat
jenom žeru, jenom žeru
I just eat, I just eat
Všichni kolem furt vařej ale jenom žeru
Everyone around me is always cooking, but I just eat
jenom žeru, jenom žeru
I just eat, I just eat
Všichni kolem furt vařej ale jenom žeru
Everyone around me is always cooking, but I just eat
jenom žeru, jenom žeru
I just eat, I just eat

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