Kase.O feat. SFDK - Ringui Dingui - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Kase.O feat. SFDK - Ringui Dingui

Ringui Dingui
Ringui Dingui
Hay quien me ha dicho un capricho austero
Some say it's just a simple whim,
Que pa′ atacar al bicho me enchufe puchero
That to fight the beast, I need a hearty stew within.
Mucha Trinidad pa'l santero
So much Trinidad for the santero's sway,
Óscar va en medio de Los Chichos, debe de ser el Jero
Óscar's with Los Chichos, must be Jero, they say.
Salgo tarde de la ducha y aligero
Late from the shower, I lighten up the pace,
El Ibarra en el estudio en plena zona cero
Ibarra's in the studio, ground zero's his space.
Lleno de barro, suena arrabalero
Covered in mud, the sound is rough around the edges,
De donde vengo y lo que narro suena guarro, pero yo no barro pelos
Where I'm from and what I tell, it sounds dirty, but I don't sweep away pledges.
Yo no barro, yo narro mi rollo, ¡brillo!
I don't sweep, I narrate my story, I shine bright!
Chico con estilo sencillo, ¡pilla!
A guy with a simple style, get it right!
Traigo lo mejor de Sevilla
Bringing the best of Seville to your ears,
Todo lo que hago es por un beso de Aliyah
Everything I do is for a kiss from Aliyah, my dear.
¡Oh-si-yo!, diggity cojo el micro cuál martillo
Oh-yes-yo!, diggity I grab the mic like a hammer's might,
Golpeo, escupo, ¡ah!, escupo
I strike, I spit, ah!, with all my might.
De luto vestimos muchas viudas
We dress many widows in mourning's embrace,
Yo te ejecuto por ser un puto Judas
I'll execute you for being a damn Judas, a disgrace.
Dudas disipo con Zatu
Doubts I dispel with Zatu by my side,
Ahora tienes un marrón
Now you've got a problem you can't hide.
El Chapo con Escobar cuando nos ves volar
El Chapo with Escobar when you see us soar,
Hey, yo no creo que nos quieras probar
Hey, I don't think you wanna test us anymore.
Yo no creo que lo quieras catar
I don't think you wanna taste this bitter truth,
Cuando la vida te ha trata′o a pata's y aflora la maldad
When life's treated you with kicks and evil takes root.
Cuando no puedes acudir a papá
When you can't turn to daddy for a helping hand,
Las becas pagás, las vacas para el pobre son televisa'
Scholarships are paid, cows for the poor are just TV land.
Cuando te clave una mirada mala
When I give you a mean stare,
De esas que dicen que a ese niño nadie le abrazaba
The kind that says this kid was never shown care.
Nadie le ha besa′o la cara
No one has kissed his face with love's gentle touch,
Culpar al M.E.N.A es de maharas, tener mala baba
Blaming the M.E.N.A is for fools, having a grudge.
Quiero que acabara′ de medir esa bara
I want them to stop measuring with that crooked bar.
Para, para, Dolce Guevara
Stop, stop, Dolce Guevara, hold your fire,
Prepárate un poquito para la que se prepara
Prepare yourself a little for what's about to transpire.
Solo veo gente con la mente mermada
I only see people with minds that are numb,
Mucha información pero nadie sabe nada
So much information, yet nobody knows a crumb.
(Nada de nada)
(Nothing at all)
Yo creo que los políticos sobran
I think politicians are just in the way,
Igual que los periodistas que de políticos cobran
Just like the journalists who from politicians get their pay.
Igual que todos los jueces que de políticos cobran
Just like all the judges who from politicians gain,
Y toda la gente engañada, no cómo lo logran
And all the people deceived, I don't know how they maintain.
Va en boogie, por la playa va en boogie
She goes in a boogie, along the beach she sways,
En un boogie por la playa le vi
In a boogie by the shore, I saw her in a daze.
Va en boogie por la playa va en boogie
She goes in a boogie, along the beach she sways,
En un boogie por la playa le vi
In a boogie by the shore, I saw her in a daze.
Nací en el 80, me echan 50
Born in the 80s, they think I'm 50 years old,
Fotos en la playa no me rentan
Beach photos don't bring me any gold.
Comentan que el Javi está loco, ¿cómo?
They say Javi's crazy, how can that be?
¡Loco! Tal es el miedo, el terror que provoco
Crazy! Such is the fear, the terror I decree.
Todo tiene espíritu, todo menos
Everything has a spirit, everything except you,
Un borriquito que no sabe ni la U
A little donkey who doesn't even know the U.
Un ser oscuro que no deja ver la luz
A dark being who doesn't let the light shine through,
Ignorante, Cacho carnuz
Ignorant, a lump of flesh, it's true.
No salgo de casa, perenne, Julio Verne
I don't leave the house, perennial, like Jules Verne,
Te llevo de viaje el viernes
I'll take you on a trip on Friday, my turn.
Cultura segura pa' que puedan verme
Sure culture so they can all see me gleam,
Pero si entran la mitad no compensa moverme
But if only half come in, it's not worth the scheme.
Mi mente vaga libre porque apenas duerme
My mind wanders free because it barely sleeps,
Noto la locura oscura como se cierne
I feel the dark madness as it creeps.
Me duele el mundo ¿comprendes?
The world hurts me, do you understand?
En mi cama hay liendres
There are nits in my bed, a bothersome band,
Mi alma vive en noviembre
My soul lives in November, a melancholic land.
Llama a mi casa, he quitado el timbre
Call my house, I've removed the bell's chime,
Jaulas de mimbre a una llama que no se extingue
Wicker cages for a flame that won't decline.
Cruel corazón bilingüe que el miedo mengüe
Cruel bilingual heart where fear does wane,
Cojo la curva en Fenwick
I take the curve in Fenwick, feeling no pain.
El vivo vive del bobo
The living lives off the fool's demise,
Timo no es lo mismo que robo
Scam is not the same as theft, it's a different guise.
El periodismo marca el ritmo del globo, uh
Journalism sets the rhythm of the globe, uh,
Vengo al estudio donde huyo de todo, me curo de todo
I come to the studio where I escape it all, I'm cured of the sob.
¿Notas como subo del lodo?, uh
Do you notice how I rise from the mud? Uh,
Para las penas borracheras son buenas
For sorrows, drinking sprees are good and true,
Si esto te suena es porque tienes mucho rap en las venas
If this sounds familiar, it's 'cause you've got rap in your veins, it's true.
Gracias a Dios por el Rap y a Zatu por meterme caña
Thank God for Rap and Zatu for pushing me through,
Estilo inigualable en la escena, ah
Unmatched style on the scene, it's me and you.
Hincar los codos es lo que nos queda
Hitting the books is all that's left to do,
Palabra de godo, llama al logopeda
Word of a Goth, call the speech therapist, it's true.
Mi pecho una sala de espera
My chest is a waiting room, full of despair,
Hay toque de queda a las 11 y ni Dios en La Alameda
There's a curfew at 11 and no one in La Alameda, I swear.
Voy por el centro como un guiri güero
I walk through the center like a blond tourist, lost and free,
Viene la gitana con salero me vende romero
The gypsy woman comes with her charm, selling rosemary to me.
Hasta que saco entero mi acento extranjero
Until I fully reveal my foreign accent's sound,
Mi coche marronero y payo y gitana por patas
My maroon car, a gypsy and a payo on the ground.
Llegan los maderos y dice, uh
The cops arrive and say, uh,
Va en boogie, por la playa va en boogie
She goes in a boogie, along the beach she sways,
En un boogie por la playa le vi
In a boogie by the shore, I saw her in a daze.
Va en boogie, por la playa va en boogie
She goes in a boogie, along the beach she sways,
En un boogie por la playa le vi
In a boogie by the shore, I saw her in a daze.
Va en boogie, por la playa va en boogie
She goes in a boogie, along the beach she sways,
En un boogie por la playa le vi
In a boogie by the shore, I saw her in a daze.
Va en boogie, por la playa va en boogie
She goes in a boogie, along the beach she sways,
En un boogie por la playa le vi
In a boogie by the shore, I saw her in a daze.

Авторы: Saturnino Rey Garcia, Oscar Luis Sanchez Perez, Javier Ibarra Ramos

Kase.O feat. SFDK - Divertimentos (Vol.2) - Single
Divertimentos (Vol.2) - Single
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