Kayah - Serce jak szafa - перевод текста песни на английский

Serce jak szafa - Kayahперевод на английский

Serce jak szafa
Heart Like a Closet
Zapakuj swoje serce, co by³o szczêœliwe
Pack up your happy heart
Bo mog³o kochaæ zbyt
'Cause it could love her too much
Zapakuj zegar, co zmierzy³ czas, kiedy by³a
Pack up the clock, that measured the time, when she was here
Ta namiêtnoœæ w was i jego wina
That passion between you and her fault
Poduszkê, w któr¹ wyla³eœ ³zy, pewnej nocy
A pillow, in which you poured out your tears, one night
Gdy nie by³o nikogo przy tobie
When no one was there for you
Wyrzuæ z ¿ycia na dobre, lecz z serca swojego
Throw her out of your life for good, but from your heart
Nie daj, nie daj jej odejϾ
Don't let her go, don't let her go
Bo serce to jest taka szafa,
'Cause the heart is like a closet,
W której, choæ nie noszone, wisz¹ ubrania
In which you keep clothes that you never wear
Bo serce to jest taka szafa
'Cause the heart is like a closet
W której, choæ ju¿ nie modne, wisz¹ ubrania
In which you keep clothes that are no longer fashionable
Zapakuj lustro, czy chcesz czy nie
Pack up the mirror, if you want or not
Ono pamiêta jej czesania gest
It remembers her gesture of combing
Zachowaj smak jej perfum,
Keep the taste of her perfume,
Choæ ³yka³eœ go, ca³uj¹c co noc
Even though you swallowed it, kissing her every night
Zapakuj s³owa, tak, s³owa te
Pack up the words, yes, those words
Choæ by³eœ pewien, ¿e tylko dla niej, o nie,
Even though you were sure they were only for her, oh no,
Wkrótce przekonasz siê
You'll soon find out
I lustro gdzie któregoœ dnia
And a mirror where one day
Jak na filmie szmink¹ da³a ci znaæ, ¿e odchodzi na zawsze
Like in a movie, she used lipstick to tell you she's leaving forever
Wyrzuæ z ¿ycia na dobre, lecz z serca swojego
Throw her out of your life for good, but from your heart
Nie daj, nie daj jej odejϾ
Don't let her go, don't let her go
Bo serce to jest taka szafa
'Cause the heart is like a closet
W której, choæ nie noszone, wisz¹ ubrania
In which you keep clothes that you never wear
Bo serce to jest taka szafa
'Cause the heart is like a closet
W której, choæ ju¿ nie modne, wisz¹ ubrania
In which you keep clothes that are no longer fashionable
Jeœli ona serce ma, to szaf¹ jest te¿
If she has a heart, it's a closet too
Jeœli ona serce ma, to szaf¹ jest te¿
If she has a heart, it's a closet too

Авторы: Katarzyna (aka Kayah) Rooijens

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