Keed - Chefi la Cutite - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Keed - Chefi la Cutite

Chefi la Cutite
Chefs with Knives
Porneste televizoru'
Turn on the TV
E pe cale sa-nceapa showu'
The show is about to start
E groasa ca stakeu de vita si tot ce se intampla aici te intriga
It's thick as a meat steak and everything that happens here is intriguing
E wok pt ochi, dinte pentru dinte
It's a wok for the eyes, tooth for a tooth
Nici o prietenie, aici sunt "Chefi la cutite"!
No friendship, this is "Chefs with Knives"!
Tensiunea creste, presiunea creste
The tension is rising, the pressure is rising
Battle-ul incepe, temperatura creste
The battle begins, the temperature rises
Regula 1- Supravietuieste!
Rule 1- Survive!
Gateste! Gateste! C-asta te caleste
Cook! Cook! That's what makes you strong
Ia-o pa ceapa! Curata, toaca!
Take the onion! Peel it, chop it!
Ia si cartofu, pune l sa fiarba!
Take the potato too, let it boil!
Grija cu carnea, vezi sa nu se arda
Be careful with the meat, make sure it doesn't burn
Da' fa si un sos, nu uita de salata!
And make a sauce, don't forget the salad!
Deja nu mai e nimic nou
It's nothing new
Ca nu e doar cooking, e show
Because it's not just cooking, it's a show
Bucataria-i grea
The kitchen is tough
Totu-i rapid, express, ca in Asia!
Everything is fast, express, like in Asia!
Raman amatorii, pleaca bucatarii
The amateurs stay, the chefs leave
Poti sa fi chef sau surpriza ca si Kani
You can be a chef or a surprise like Kani
Poate fi si funny, cum a fost si Zanni
It can also be funny, like Zanni
Da' grija cu pasii ca tine multe de timing
But be careful with the steps because timings are hard
Grija la psihic, daca nu te ai dus
Be careful with psychology, if you didn't get it in
Acasa cu tine daca nu ai gust
Back home with you if you don't have the taste
Te cred ca esti zeu pe food styling
I believe you're a god at food styling
Raman eu cu ciorba, tu pleci cu fine dining
I'll stay with the soup, you go with fine dining
Porneste televizoru'
Turn on the TV
E pe cale sa-nceapa showu'
The show is about to start
E groasa ca stakeu de vita si tot ce se intampla aici te intriga
It's thick as a meat steak and everything that happens here is intriguing
E wok pt ochi, dinte pentru dinte
It's a wok for the eyes, tooth for a tooth
Nici o prietenie, aici sunt "Chefi la cutite"!
No friendship, this is "Chefs with Knives"!
Ai grija la concurenti, toti vor sa te scoata
Be careful with the competitors, they all want to get you out
Iti rad in fata, la interviu te sapa!
They laugh in your face, they dig you out at the interview!
Aici e mai rau ca in strada
This is worse than the street
N-o sa te bata nimeni da toti vor sa te arda
No one will hit you but they all want to burn you
Se dau focuri ca in Australia
There are fires like in Australia
Creste cota sa ai pe cine paria
The bet goes up so you have someone to bet on
Ai grija la duel, vere!
Be careful in the duel, dude!
Sau o sa faci spume ca Belei
Or you'll spit bubbles like Belei
Se plange, se tipa, se cade, se pare
There's crying, screaming, falling, swearing
Ca-s toti pentru unu' da care pe care
They're all for one but one for each other
Le ceri ajutoru? E jale!
You ask them for help? It's a disaster!
Ca toata lumea sare! Sare-n macare!
Because everyone's jumping! Jumping into food!
De la homar la pilaf cu carnat
From lobster to pilaf with sausage
De la mujdei la picioare de crab
From garlic sauce to crab legs
Ati poti sa fi primu', maine cel mai slab
You can be the first, the weakest tomorrow
Ieri ai luat 15 si azi ai plecat!
Yesterday you got 15 and today you're gone!
C-oi fi gatit la Stele Michellin si-n restaurante fita
Because you cooked at Michelin Stars and in fancy restaurants
Da bucataru' lu Saint Jaques
But the chef at Saint Jacques
Te-a facut o tocanitaaa!
Made you a stew!
Porneste televizoru'
Turn on the TV
E pe cale sa-nceapa showu'
The show is about to start
E groasa ca stakeu de vita si tot ce se intampla aici te intriga
It's thick as a meat steak and everything that happens here is intriguing
E wok pt ochi, dinte pentru dinte
It's a wok for the eyes, tooth for a tooth
Nici o prietenie, aici sunt "Chefi la cutite"!
No friendship, this is "Chefs with Knives"!

Авторы: David Ionita

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