Klan - Carlitos - перевод текста песни на английский

Carlitos - Klanперевод на английский

Desde el underground, hasta el overground
From the underground to the overground,
Es el primer round y ya están knock out
This is the first round, and they're already knocked out.
Desde el underground, hasta el overground
From the underground, to the overground
Es el primer round y ya están knock out
This is the first round, and they're already knocked out.
Días como hoy agradezco la ira
Days like today, I appreciate the anger.
Digas lo que se por que quiero que lo digas
Say what you have to say, because I want you to say it.
La vida de un big boy que ha crecido en la vías
The life of a big boy, grown up on the railway,
Todo el mundo desconfió, nadie creyó que lo haría
Everyone doubted me, no one thought I would make it.
No vas a decirme vos de que se trata ser real
You're not going to tell me, what it means to be real.
El "M" me curtió, no lo hará con mi fryal
The "M" cured me, it will not do the same to you.
Le daré de comer lo juro por mi vida
I will give it food, I swear on my life.
No me voy a vender, no bebo Codeína
I will not sell out, I don't drink codeine
No me sobra el poder, perdoname my nigga
I don't have infinite power, forgive me my ***,.
Tienen mucho que aprender en esto de la rima
You have a lot to learn, about this rap game.
El siguiente nivel, el rap de Argentina
The next level, the rap of Argentina.
Lo mío es nuestro por más que así lo persivas
What is mine is ours, no matter how much you crave it.
Se vuelven adictos como la cocaína
They become addicted like cocaine,
Lo transforman en crack y mientras lo cocinan, dicen que es una pero al final del día, consumen mi persona como alcohol en la esquina
They turn it into crack, and while they cook it, they say it's one thing, but at the end of the day, they consume me like alcohol on the corner.
Para cuando les Quini, activen la movida
When they're lottery winners, they start the party.
Parejas y "midis" unidos en esta orgia
Couples and "midis" unite in this orgy.
Criados en un panorama, hecho de mentiras y yo paro no más pa' ver si mis hermanos respiran.
Raised in a landscape of lies, and I come around just to see if my brothers are still breathing.
Algo en sus pupilas me motiva
Something in your pupils motivates me
Me da miedo transformarlo en melodía
It scares me when it is put to music
Aunque debo de aceptar que me sacía
Even though I have to admit, it satisfies me
Busco hacer lo que no se hacía
I am trying to do what hasn't been done
Se hacía donde tengo que apuntar y es hacia arriba
It was done, where I have to aim, it is upwards
Algo en sus pupilas me motiva
Something in your pupils motivates me
Me da miedo transformarlo en melodía
It scares me when it is put to music
Aunque debo de aceptar que me sacía
Even though I have to admit, it satisfies me
Busco hacer lo que no se hacía
I am trying to do what hasn't been done
Se hacía donde tengo que apuntar y es hacia arriba
It was done, where I have to aim, it is upwards
Algo en sus pupilas me motiva ×2
Something in your pupils motivates me x2
Desde el underground, hasta el overground
From the underground, to the overground
Es el primer round y ya están knock out
This is the first round, and they're already knocked out.
Desde el underground, hasta el overground
From the underground, to the overground
Es el primer round y ya están knock out
This is the first round, and they're already knocked out
¡Ya basta! no les creo no son gansta, no basta, con mostrar dinero en los vídeos si de verdad no lo gastan.
That's enough! I don't believe you, you're not gangsters. It's not enough to show off money in the video, if you don't really spend it.
¿A cuantos han mentido con su farsa? convenciendo a los pibitos de que cantan.
How many have you lied to with your charade? by telling the kids that you are amazing.
Yo noto esos programas dizfrazando su garganta, por suerte tengo un plan, y la fuerza de la planta para evitar caer dentro de su trampa.
I noticed those programs distorting his voice, luckily I have a plan, and the strength of the plant to help me avoid falling into his trap.
La gente cree en "Big Papa"
People believe in "Big Papa"
Algo en mi los atrapa
Something about him draws me in.
Pero, no se vuelan mis chapas, se que es sólo otra etapa
But my mind is not blown, I know it's just another phase.
No me he confundira la plata
I won't let money change me
Yo me he criado entre latas
I was raised in the ghetto
Oye gato, cuida tus patas, o te las comerán las ratas
Hey there, watch your step, or the rats will eat you alive.
Yo ya no puedo, ni comer tranquilo
I can't even eat in peace anymore
Siempre alguien me reconoce y no permite que goze comiendo con mis amigos, respeta mi persona no afanes mi estilo ¡porque es mío!
Someone always recognizes me, and doesn't let me enjoy eating with my friends, respect my person, don't rush me, because it's mine!
No lo vendo ni lo alquiló porque es mio×2
I won't sell or rent it because it's mine x2
No lo vendo ni lo alquilo, te lo prestó, si el culo .l.
I won't sell or rent it, I will lend it to you, if you're being clever
Ni Diego, ni Messi. Me siento Carlitos ×2
Neither Diego nor Messi, I feel like Carlitos x2
Curta pa' tus tipos×4
Shorty for your types x4
Ni Diego, ni Messi. Me siento Carlitos
Neither Diego nor Messi, I feel like Carlitos
Como Tevez invencible ante un micro...
Like Tevez, invincible in front of a microphone.

Авторы: Lucas Matias Santo

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