Klan feat. Donvo beats - El Tipo - перевод текста песни на английский

El Tipo - Klan перевод на английский

El Tipo
The Dude
No quiero que me enfoques mucho menos que me toques
I don't want you to focus on me, much less touch me
Quieres vicio juega al póquer o vete a atrapar los pokes
If you want a vice, play poker or go catch Pokemons
Regreso a mis inicios porque asi me lo solicita el golpe
I return to my beginnings because the blow asks me to
Mira que yo amo las compes pero estan cada ves mas torpes
Look, I love the competition, but they're getting clumsier every time
Niñatos a los golpes
Kids throwing punches
Novatos buscan nombre
Rookies looking for a name
Se a partido lo noble
The noble has been broken
Oye me tratas de duro
Hey, you call me hard
Por ser firme como roble
For being firm like an oak
Solo quieres una foto
You just want a photo
Asi no tendras futuro hoy te juro que te jodes
That way you won't have a future, I swear you're screwed today
Tu no sabes del fat mucho menos de los crotos
You don't know about fat, much less about the crotos
Hay gente que nos quiere matar no te juntes con nosotros
There are people who want to kill us, don't hang out with us
Yo siempre eh sido asi no me cambiaran tus orcos
I've always been like this, your orcs won't change me
Oye tu sediento de dinero
Hey you thirsty for money
Yo te juro que te ahorco
I swear I'll hang you
Si tocas a mis raperos
If you touch my rappers
No me fumo a tus socios
I don't smoke with your partners
Cagame un negocio y te mato
Shit on a deal and I'll kill you
Podria haberla pegado hace rato
I could have made it a while ago
Pero el rap de perros no esta hecho para gatos
But dog rap isn't made for cats
No debias de escucharlo la cultura solicita un cambio
You shouldn't listen to it, the culture demands a change
El sol vicita al sabio mas sol mi guia franco
The sun visits the wise, but more so my guide Franco
Yo no dejo de nombrarlos
I don't stop naming them
Pendejo tu que tanto
You idiot, so much
A que carajos estan jugando
What the hell are you playing at
Quien son para andar jusgando
Who are they to go around judging
No cuentan una mie solo estan conjugando
They don't count a damn, they're just conjugating
Los colgare de una cuerda te lo estoy jurando
I'll hang them from a rope, I swear
Tu decides lo que haras si la cagas a este pibe imitando a los demas
You decide what you'll do if you screw up imitating others
O de verdad te desviveves por ser alguien capas por ser alguien capas
Or if you really strive to be someone capable, to be someone capable
De este tren no me bajas si quieren hacerlo que vengan para de atras
You don't get off this train, if they want to do it, let them come from behind
Estoy escondido detras de mis tags los cual acabo de dejar
I'm hiding behind my tags, which I just left
No significa que me sienta un criminal
It doesn't mean I feel like a criminal
Yo tambien estoy hecho de carne se me puede lastimar
I'm also made of flesh, I can be hurt
Pero seria una lastima al decir verdad
But it would be a shame to tell the truth
Quien salvaria tu culo si no fuera klan
Who would save your ass if it wasn't for Klan
Quizas alguno de mi scuad
Maybe someone from my squad
Pero ellos no te quieren por aca
But they don't want you around here
No conoces a lucas vos conoces su A.K.A
You don't know Lucas, you know his A.K.A
Mira que estado con pu pero vos te pasas
Look, I've been with Pu but you go too far
Me besas y todo se pausa me haces olvidar
You kiss me and everything pauses, you make me forget
Por instante de que se tratan estas barras y su causa
For a moment what these bars and their cause are about
Regresando a mi amenasa
Returning to my threat
Si no lo sientes quedate en casa
If you don't feel it, stay home
No lo detectas las manos se me cansan
You don't detect it, my hands get tired
Pero la responsabilidad me calsa perfecta
But responsibility fits me perfectly
Aunque no soy perfecto
Even though I'm not perfect
Y mi habla no es la correcta
And my speech is not correct
Prefiero estar muerto
I'd rather be dead
Antes de venderme a discotecas
Before selling myself to nightclubs
Me cago en tu disco feca teca racteriza la teca
I shit on your record feca teca characterizes the teca
Mira que fueron una mie mis primeras maquetas
Look, my first demos were a shit
Pero siempre fui sincero asi me a quedado la jeta
But I was always sincere, that's how my face has stayed
Hoy un poco mas y que un sujeto me sujeta
Today a little more and a guy holds me
Pa que no los estrangule con mis agujetas
So I don't strangle them with my laces
Por sus gestos de caretas copiones de mierda
For their fake gestures, shitty copycats

Авторы: Lucas Matias Santo

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