Klan - Hijo de la luz - перевод текста песни на английский

Hijo de la luz - Klanперевод на английский

Hijo de la luz
Son of the Light
Check it
Check it
Krotos Escuadrón, ¿o qué?
Krotos Squad, or what?
La evolución, hijos de la luz
Evolution, children of the light
Dice, dice (yah)
He says, he says (yah)
Nigga, what?
Nigga, what?
Check it
Check it
Nigga, what?
Nigga, what?
Me electrocuta, mi aspecto Wu-Tang, mi aspecto muta
It electrocutes me, my Wu-Tang appearance, my appearance mutates
Mi trayecto insultan, mi calle es gloria, mi casa es fruta
My journey is insulted, my street is glory, my house is fruit
Mi calle lo odia a aquel yuta, yo lo cobre y eso le preocupa
My street hates that yuta, I charge him and that worries him
Porque lo sedo mi nuca, no se lo robe a tu junta
Because I know it on the back of my neck, don't steal it from your board
Aquí las paredes se rasguñan
Here the walls are scratching
Por los paneles nos buscan, eh yo
Through the panels they're looking for us, eh I
Los fieles dibujan XXL ese es de Zenuja
The faithful draw XXL that's from Zenuja
Salí de tu burbuja, Alex, hijo de bruja
I came out of your bubble, Alex, you son of a witch
Mami, dame esta aguja, Macri, hijo de puta
Mommy, give me this needle, Macri, you son of a bitch
No es solo por el boom bap, yaoh
It's not just because of the boom bap, yaoh
Yo, yo no cobré tus culpas
I, I didn't take your blame
Yo, yo dibujé mi ruta, cada loco con sus tax
I, I drew my route, every crazy person with their tax...
Tengo el timón de este boom bap
I've got the helm of this boom bap
Mi rap tiene red de rumba
My rap has a rumba network
Estoy libre de tus culpas, soy líder de mi cumba
I'm free from your guilt, I'm the leader of my cumba
Si te promete que lo cumpla
If he promises to keep it
Solo truenos, ritmos buenos, relámpagos
Only thunder, good rhythms, lightning
Humos y deslumbre del fuego que enciende mi kush
Fumes and dazzle of the fire that lights my kush
Eh you, óyelo tú, respeta mi crew, observa mi luz, ah
Hey you, listen to it you, respect my crew, watch my light, ah
Solo truenos, ritmos buenos, relámpagos
Only thunder, good rhythms, lightning
Humos y deslumbre del fuego que enciende mi kush
Fumes and dazzle of the fire that lights my kush
Eh you, óyelo tú, respeta mi crew, observa mi luz, ah
Hey you, listen to it you, respect my crew, watch my light, ah
Tengo un plan, coronar mis compa'
I have a plan, to crown my compa'
O tocar la punta, ustedes me apuntan
Or touch the tip, you point at me
Yah, ja, ja, yah
Yah, ha, ha, yah
Jamás tendrás las respuestas a lo que te preguntas
You'll never have the answers to what you're wondering
Ves lo fresco, fresco puesto, modo maestro
You see how cool, cool on, master mode
Siniestro dentro del centro del cuerpo
Sinister within the center of the body
Seteo el verso, muerto ingreso y no me esfuerzo
I set the verse, dead I enter and I don't make an effort
Rezo a ese beso del progreso, preso de hechos, preso de esto
I pray to that kiss of progress, prisoner of facts, prisoner of this
Que expreso, el tiempo ya no resta, nigga
That I express, time is no longer left, nigga
Preso de esos besos, nigga
Prisoner of those kisses, nigga
El tiempo ya no resta, nigga
There's no time left, nigga
Solo truenos, ritmos buenos, relámpagos
Only thunder, good rhythms, lightning
Humos y deslumbre del fuego que enciende mi kush
Fumes and dazzle of the fire that lights my kush
Eh you, óyelo tú, respeta mi crew, observa mi luz, ah
Hey you, listen to it you, respect my crew, watch my light, ah
Solo truenos, ritmos buenos, relámpagos
Only thunder, good rhythms, lightning
Humos y deslumbre del fuego que enciende mi kush
Fumes and dazzle of the fire that lights my kush
Eh you, óyelo tú, respeta mi crew, observa mi luz
Hey you, you listen, respect my crew, watch my light
Estamos mar adentro, protestamos los negro'
We are out at sea, we protest the blacks'
Por que proclamamos los perros
Why do we proclaim the dogs
Por que el amo con fierro no da de comer, no
Because the master with iron does not give food, no
Entonces debo morderlo con mi cuaderno
Then I must bite him with my notebook
No es poder, bro'
It's not power, bro'
Es que no estamo' contento', ah
It's just that I'm not 'happy', ah
No contamo' con ellos
I don't count ' on them
Encontra' estos destellos
Find these flashes
La luz en bus, loop, Halabalu
The light in bus, loop, Halabalu
Hijo de la luz
Son of the Light
Oh shit (oh shit)
Oh shit (oh shit)
Oh shit (oh shit)
Oh shit (oh shit)
que nos oyes (sé que nos oyes)
I know you hear us (I know you hear us)
Aún queda underground por aquí hijo de yuta, yuta, yuta, yuta
There's still underground around here son of yuta, yuta, yuta, yuta
He says
Solo truenos, ritmos buenos, relámpagos
Only thunder, good rhythms, lightning
Humos y deslumbre del fuego que enciende mi kush
Fumes and dazzle of the fire that lights my kush
Eh you, óyelo tú, respeta mi crew, observa mi luz, ah
Hey you, listen to it you, respect my crew, watch my light, ah
Solo truenos, ritmos buenos, relámpagos
Only thunder, good rhythms, lightning
Humos y deslumbre del fuego que enciende mi kush
Fumes and dazzle of the fire that lights my kush
Eh yo, óyelo tú, respeta mi crew, observa mi luz, ah
Hey yo, hear it you, respect my crew, watch my light, ah
Se quedaría ciego y no podría escuchar
He would go blind and not be able to hear
O perdería el sentido del tacto
Or I would lose the sense of touch
Aún habría fuego, aún habría fuego
There would still be fire, there would still be fire
Y el hip hop en nosotros seguiría intacto
And the hip hop in us would still be intact
Se quedaría ciego o no podría escuchar
He would go blind or he wouldn't be able to hear
O perdería el sentido del tacto
Or I would lose the sense of touch
Aún habría fuego, aún habría fuego
There would still be fire, there would still be fire
Y el hip hop en nosotros seguiría intacto
And the hip hop in us would still be intact

Авторы: Klan

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