Kobukuro - 君になれ - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Kobukuro - 君になれ

Become Yourself
はやく大人になりたいのに 背を屈めていた頃がある
I used to hunch my back as I long to grow up quickly
早送りも巻き戻しも出来ない時を 描きながら生きてる
Living by sketching the time that I couldn't fast-forward nor rewind
ヘタクソな今日の自分も消さずに 上からあるがままを描き足すだけ
Without erasing the clumsy me of today, I continue to add on to it as it is
大人になればなるほど 空が高く高く感じる
The higher I climb as an adult, the higher the sky appears
今はまだ 勝てなくて良い 負ける意味を知る時だ
For now, it's fine even if I can't win, it's the time to know the meaning of defeat
今はまだ 分からなくて良い 無理に飲み込んで吐きだした 苦い想い
For now, it's fine even if I don't understand, the painful emotion that I forcibly swallowed and threw up
今はまだ 出来なくて良い 出来ない時にだけ出来る事がある
For now, it's fine if I can't do it, there are things that can only be done during those times
今はまだ 迷えば良い どれを選んでも君の答えなんだと
For now, it's fine if I wander, whatever you choose is your answer
If you can say it with pride
今はまだ 会えなくて良い 会えない分だけ強く想えれば良い
For now, it's fine if we don't meet yet, if I can think of you more strongly because we can't meet
今はまだ 言えなくて良い 言えない程大切な気持ちなんだろう
For now, it's fine if I can't say it yet, it's probably an incredibly important feeling because I can't say it
今はまだ 孤独で良い 未だ見ぬ仲間達も みんな 孤独だから
For now, it's fine if I'm lonely, because even the allies I haven't met yet are all lonely right now
今はまだ そこにいれば良い 次の場所は自分で決めるんだ
For now, it's fine if I stay here, I will decide my next destination by myself
今はまだ 何も無くて良い 空っぽなら 素直になれ
For now, it's fine if I have nothing, if I have nothing, I can be honest
今はまだ そのままで良い 変わらないもの 守り続けながら変われるなら
For now, it's fine if I stay the way I am, if I can change while protecting what will never change
そんな君が素敵かどうか?を 決めるのは君じゃない
Whether you are wonderful or not, it's not you who decides
君を愛する人が見てるのは 今よりもずっと遠くの君
The one who loves you is not looking at you right now, but at the you much further in the future
駄目な時も 輝く時も 同じ様に君を信じてる
Whether it's during the times you are useless or during the times you shine, you believe in you equally
その愛は本物だから いつの日か 本物の君になれ
That love is genuine, so one day, become the true you
今はまだ 勝てなくて良い 分からなくて良い 出来なくて良い
For now, it's fine if you can't win yet, if you don't understand yet, if you can't do it yet
迷えば良い 会えなくて良い 言えなくて良い 孤独で良い
If you wander yet, if we don't meet yet, if you don't tell yet, if you feel lonely yet
今はまだ そこにいれば良い 何も無くて良い そのままで良い
For now, it's fine if you stay where you are, if you don't have anything yet, if you remain as you are
いつの日か 本物の君になれ
One day, become the true you
君になれ 君になれ
Become yourself, become yourself

Авторы: 小渕 健太郎, 小渕 健太郎

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