Kobukuro - 奇跡 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Kobukuro - 奇跡

奇跡は起こるものじゃない 起こすものなんだと
Miracles don't just happen. They are made.
だから望みを懸けるのさ 夢見る心閉じないで HERO
So I will keep hoping, and I will never give up on my dreams. I am a hero.
もう二度と戻れない 時の中を生きるのはやめにして
I will never go back to the past. I will live in the present.
未来を切り開いて 戦う自分に花束を
I will fight for my future, and I will give myself a bouquet of flowers.
可能性のキャンバスはみ出し 飛び散るインクが
The canvas of possibilities is overflowing, and the spilled ink is
床一面 描いた夢模様は キャンバスじゃ収まらない
All over the floor. The dream I painted is too big for the canvas.
生まれたあの日僕らが 証明した確率は
The day we were born, we proved the odds.
何千億分の1 命のレース勝ち抜いた HERO
One in a trillion. We are the winners of the race of life. We are heroes.
奇跡は起こるものじゃない 起こすものなんだと
Miracles don't just happen. They are made.
だから望みを懸けるのさ 夢見る心閉じないで HERO
So I will keep hoping, and I will never give up on my dreams. I am a hero.
大人になる為に 捨てたものだけ集めたゴミ箱が
To become an adult, I had to throw away some things. But I kept the garbage can full of things I couldn’t throw away.
何より捨てられずに 抱えながら君も生きてるんだろう?
Are you also carrying it around with you, unable to throw it away?
何度も飛べたハードルが 今日は少し高く見える
The hurdle I could jump over and over again seems a little bit higher today.
不安に背を丸め走り出しちゃ飛べない さぁ胸はって
I feel anxious and start to run. But I can’t fly. Come on, hold your head high.
生まれたあの日降り立った スタートはみんな一緒
When we were born, we all started at the same place.
そこから始まるレースを どう戦うか?が一生
The race begins there. How we fight is our whole life.
進むべき道にはいつも 困難が生い茂っている
There are always difficulties on the path we must take.
わがままに映るくらいの 強い歩幅で突き進め
Push forward with a strong stride that may seem selfish.
棘だらけの時代にも 安らぎの花は咲いている
Even in a world full of thorns, flowers of peace bloom.
傷つく事恐れないで 痛みごとその手で掴みとれ
Do not be afraid to get hurt. Take the pain with your own hands.
夢を繋ぎ止めるのは 決して切れない スピリット
What keeps dreams alive is an unbreakable spirit.
か細くとも強い糸 目には見えないよ きっと
It is a thin but strong thread. You can't see it, but it's there.
針の穴よりも狭い 未来への入り口でも
Even in the narrowest of passages, the entrance to the future,
通り抜けなきゃ進めない そんな日が君にも来る
You have to go through it to move forward. That day will come for you too.
生まれたあの日僕らが 証明した確率は
The day we were born, we proved the odds.
何千億分の1 命のレース勝ち抜いた HERO
One in a trillion. We are the winners of the race of life. We are heroes.
幾重に束ねた願いが 固いロープとなり
The many wishes we have tied together become a strong rope.
君を支えてくれるんだ いつかあの壁を越える日に
It will support you until the day you finally overcome that wall.

Авторы: 小渕 健太郎, 小渕 健太郎

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