Kontra - Monstrum - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Kontra - Monstrum

Cujem im korake malene
I hear their tiny steps
Na kilometar daleke
Miles away
Blizu zvijeri bi stajale
Standing close to the beast
Male nogice traljave
Clumsy little feet
Ne bi trajale minutu
Wouldn't last a minute
U ovim korsicama ja sam ti monstrum
In these verses, I'm the monster
Ne mozes se nosit sa nama
You can't handle us
Los si drama
You're a bad drama
Kad gazim beat
When I step on the beat
To znaci tabanje na mrtvo
It means stomping on the dead
Tvojoj maloj poslije nastupa
For your girl after the show
Naruci sirup za grlo
Order some throat syrup
Monstruozan beat
Monstrous beat
Opak DJ mi ga pusta
Wicked DJ plays it for me
Nemam bend rok rep
I don't have a band, rock rap
Indi step fjuzen
Indie step fusion
Bacam rep na usta
I throw rap on my lips
Ko da igramo termin
Like we're playing a term
Vec igram derbi s velikanima
I'm already playing a derby with giants
A tek mi je debi
And it's just my debut
Lebdim, odnosno meditiram
I'm levitating, or rather meditating
I vidim vas kroz maglu
And I see you through the fog
Param oblake flouom
I pierce the clouds with my flow
Zovi to priprema visniska
Call it high-altitude preparation
Isti sam ko prije
I'm the same as before
U stvari puko sam totalno
Actually, I'm totally broken
Kazu, momak halo, polako
They say, man, hello, slow down
Predjem granicu korakom
I cross the line with a step
Prodjem paklom s torbakom
I go through hell with a backpack
Olako sve normala, naviko na pakleno
Everything's easy, normal, used to hellish
Vrelo flou mi je lava
My hot flow is lava
Ko monstrum
Like a monster
Monstrum, ne mozes na Kontru
Monster, you can't handle Kontra
Dok mi lik ne izliju u broncu
Until they cast my face in bronze
Jos tu na frontu
Still here on the front line
Monstum, kljucaj se u podrum
Monster, lock yourself in the basement
Dolazim da srusim
I'm coming to tear down
Svaki dosadasnji konstrukt
Every existing construct
Kume baci kik sner
Dude, throw a kick snare
Na to roka lik zvijer
Rock the beast's face on that
Toliko sam ispred
I'm so ahead
Osjecam se kao hipster
I feel like a hipster
Mister rep fric
Mr. rap fric
Al' drzim igru ko taoca
But I hold the game like a hostage
Stil mi gledaju odozdo
They look at my style from below
Jer sam gornji kao maoca
Because I'm upper like a threat
Skidam paucinu s mikrofona
I'm taking the cobwebs off the microphone
I zao sam mnogo
And I'm very evil
Znam li jednog konkurenta
Do I know one competitor
Znao sam mnogo
I knew many
Gdje god stao sam nogom
Wherever I set foot
Tu ti je stalo sve drugo
That's where everything else stopped
Diktatura zvuka kaosa
Dictatorship of the sound of chaos
Maosetungom digni bas
Raise the bass with Mao Zedong
Od danas strogo radimo bengere
From today on, we strictly make bangers
Flou je monstrum neuhvatljiv
The flow is an elusive monster
I monstrum bengele
And a monster of bangers
Dlan beatz ako ne znas
Dlan beatz if you don't know
Guglaj nas kujo
Google us, bitch
Samo dva lika jaci smo
Just two guys, we are stronger
Od glupana s ruljom
Than idiots with a mob
Pazi, upadam dok lupa dram
Watch out, I'm coming in while the drama is loud
I bas trese utrobe
And the bass shakes the guts
Sto kila stila
A hundred kilos of style
Mogu jos da me utove
They can still stuff me
Raznosim ko monsun
I tear apart like a monsoon
Ostaje samo kostur
Only the skeleton remains
Ko bi reko da ce Bosnu
Who would have thought that Bosnia
Predstavljat rep monstrum
Would be represented by a rap monster
Imam stil fantastican
I have a fantastic style
Ulet intergalatican
Intergalactic flow
Bacam ne vidjeno kod nas
I'm throwing something unseen in our country
Mirza sa parkinga
Mirza from the parking lot
Vama fali taktika
You lack tactics
Tehnika o pameti da ne pricam
Technique, not to mention intelligence
I zna dok ne idahnete
And know that until you breathe your last
Cekam vas ko lesinar
I'm waiting for you like a vulture
Sparigujem s luciferom
I spar with Lucifer
Sudaram se s titanima
I clash with titans
Ritam imam da te izbacim
I have the rhythm to knock you out
Iz ringa kako spitam
Of the ring, the way I spit
Inteligentan ja sam
I'm intelligent
Zapalim klub umjecem
I set the club on fire with my skill
Da gori plafon i sav inventar
So that the ceiling and all the inventory burn
Kazu decko ubi
They say the guy kills
Al' ne to nije tacno, lazu
But no, that's not true, they lie
Jedem ovu gamad
I eat this vermin
Jer mi mogu stati za zub
Because they can fit in my teeth
Dokle vise dominacije
How much more domination
Sam sebi dosadan
Bored of myself
Ko posmatra skonta
Whoever observes understands
Da znam vise od mosarata
That I know more than the Mossad

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