Kontra - Samo Njoj - перевод текста песни на английский

Samo Njoj - Kontraперевод на английский

Samo Njoj
Only For Her
Svako nebo znam prepoznat'
I know how to recognize every sky
Rekla si da ne znas
You said you didn't know
Gdje te vodi zivot
Where life takes you
Al' volim letjet' pod tvojim krilom
But I love flying under your wing
Mada prerast'o sam mjesto
Although I've outgrown the place
I tijesno nam je gnijezdo
And our nest is too tight
Svako nebo bez tebe
Every sky without you
Je sivo, samo njoj
Is grey, only for her
Vatrena narav, stav generala
Fiery nature, a general's stance
I pogled topao
And a warm look
Ratnica mekog srca
A warrior with a soft heart
Osmijeh te odao
Your smile gave you away
U dusi djevojcica
A little girl at heart
Razumom zastitnik
A protector by reason
Svega sto volis i sve sto
Of everything you love and everything
Ljubav zna uzvratit'
Love knows how to reciprocate
Isti sam k'o ti
I'm the same as you
Znam da dijelimo svasta
I know we share a lot
Ruku pruzimo prvo
We offer a hand first
Zato ne znamo prastat'
That's why we don't know how to forgive
Otvorimo se jer
Let's open up because
Nemamo se cega stidjet'
We have nothing to be ashamed of
I nije nas briga
And we don't care
Kako to drugi vide
How others see it
Tmurni dani, noci pune
Gloomy days, nights full
Panike i straha
Of panic and fear
Gdje su nekad i najjaci
Where even the strongest
Kleknuli od beznadja
Have knelt from despair
Ja sam im'o osmijeh i mali
I had a smile and a small
Podrum prepun ljubavi
Basement full of love
Skloniste u rukama, kad se
Shelter in my arms, when the
Svijet s' paklom sudari
World collides with hell
Andjele na strani sto mi
Angels on the side that
Ne daju bijeg nadi
Don't let me give up hope
Mogu svijet da sravne
They can level the world
Al' ce one ostat hrabre
But they will remain brave
Pod metcima i mrznjom
Under bullets and hatred
Potopljene ladje
Sunken ships
Uzdignute glave za svoj
Heads held high for their
Komadic pravde
Piece of justice
I da znas tvoji
And you should know your
Sinovi te slave
Sons praise you
Previse da u samo
Too much to fit in just
Par stihova stane
A few verses
Note nisu dovoljne
Notes are not enough
Premal' im je broj
Their number is too small
Al' bez obzira ovo
But regardless, this
Ide samo njoj
Goes only to her
Samo njoj, samo njoj
Only for her, only for her
Samo njoj ovo ide
This goes only to her
Samo njoj, ovo ide samo njoj
Only for her, this goes only to her
Ovo ide, samo njoj
This goes, only to her
Ovo ide, samo njoj
This goes, only to her
I nemoj plakat'
And don't cry
Ova pjesma nije tuzna
This song is not sad
Vec je samo mali dio od onog'
It's just a small part of what
Kol'ko sam ti duzan
I owe you
Sedam kvadrata, ti i ja
Seven square meters, you and I
Kontinent nepoznat
Unknown continent
Dlanovi odose u nepovrat
Palms gone forever
Al' ne sikiraj, se bice sve u redu
But don't worry, everything will be alright
Dok imamo jedno drugo
As long as we have each other
Imamo i sve na svijetu
We have everything in the world
Al' ja znam da joj fali pola srca
But I know she's missing half her heart
Koje u drugom kraju svijeta
Which beats in the other part of the world
Bas uz njen ritam kuca
Right to her rhythm
Spojit' ce se to rijesit' cemo
We'll connect it, we'll solve
Probleme jedan po jedan
Problems one by one
Dug je put da covjek bude sretan
It's a long way for a man to be happy
Sjecam ti se osmijeha
I remember your smile
I suza to vece
And tears that night
Kad' si ponovo spojila
When you reunited
Dva dijela svoje srece
The two parts of your happiness
Nema vise selidbe
No more moving
Sad smo u svom gnijezdu
Now we are in our nest
Zasluzila si krunu
You deserve a crown
Kako si pobjedila bijedu
How you defeated misery
Sve ce bit' u redu
Everything will be alright
Jer si odgojila vojnike
Because you raised soldiers
Al' ne marsiramo nego
But we don't march, we
Sami vodimo svoje bitke
Fight our own battles
Cuvamo te
We protect you
Nasa kraljice
Our queen
Sjedi na svoj tron
Sit on your throne
I nasmij se
And smile
Onaj svoj prekrasni
That beautiful smile of yours
Osmijeh nabaci
Put it on
Jer si dokaz da svijetom
Because you are proof that the world
Ne vladaju muskarci
Is not ruled by men
U tvojoj snazi
In your strength
Pronalazim i svoju
I find my own
Naucio sam da se sreca
I learned that happiness
Ne mjeri u broju
Is not measured in numbers
Naucio sam da ti
I learned that I
Osmijeh ne mogu otet'
Can't take your smile away
Al najvise, naucio sam
But most of all, I learned
Bit' covjek
To be a man

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