Kontra - Sutnja - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Kontra - Sutnja

Imam 23 u guzici
I've got 23 in the attic
I cesto pomislim da sam gubitnik
And I often think I'm a loser
Hiljadu briga i losih misli
A thousand worries and bad thoughts
S kojim se obratim publici
With which I turn to the public
Necu publiciteta
I don't want publicity
Nemoj me pitati koga to prezirem
Don't ask me who I despise
Repam kontra kad repam
I rap against when I rap
Zato sto nemam zvucno prezime
Because I don't have a big name
Necu da budem u masi
I won't be in the mass
Ne volim furke gradske ni seoske
I don't like forks in the city or in the countryside
U posljednje vrijeme ne vidim razliku
Lately I see no difference
Mozda tramaj i neboder
Maybe a tram and a skyscraper
Zivim sam sa mamom
I live alone with my mother
Nemam posla, al' ne zelim ti tugovat
I have no job, but I don't want to make you sad
Imam diplomu na kojoj
I have a degree for which
Mi nije cestitalo ni pola drugova
Not even half of my friends congratulated me
Ganjam muziku jer za nju
I pursue music because for it
Mi ne treba nista sem mozga i truda
I don't need anything but brains and effort
Nemam ti klupski hit
I don't have a club hit
Jer za njeg' imam i previse muda
Because I have too much brain for it
Nisam ulicar, ganster mafija
I'm not a street boy, a gangster mafia
Ali zivimo prilicno blizu
But we live pretty close
Neke izbjegavam neki me caste
I avoid some, some invite me
Neki mi zatraze rizlu
Some ask me for a rizla
Imam trojicu bitnih za kojih stojim
I have three important ones I stand up for
I koji ce stajat
And who will stand
Znam im mane i lose strane
I know their flaws and bad sides
Ali nemo's mi na njih lajat
But you can't bark at me about them
Nemam kurve, ne jebem svaku
I don't have a bitch, I don't fuck everyone
Sto pozdravim usput u klubu
That I greet in the club
Iskuliraj momak ne znas
Educate yourself boy you don't know
Ko je kad sa zivcima na rubu
Who's on the edge with nerves
Refren 2x
Chorus 2x
Ostar jezik, necu presutit
Sharp tongue, I won't shut up
Ti suti necu presutit
You shut up, I won't shut up
Pametan suti, necu presutit
Smart one, shut up, I won't shut up
Znam ljudi mi ne mogu sudit
I know people can't judge me
Volis li ruglo, pogresnu vrijednost
Do you love mockery, wrong values
Svezane ruke i cemer
Tied hands and a leash
Podli osmijeh iz zlatne stolice
A sly smile from a golden chair
Koje ti dodijeli pleme
Which the tribe assigns to you
Vremena istine medija sto zele
Times of truth the media that want
Ti laz usadit u temelj
To implant a lie in the foundation
A za svaki vapaj za pravdom
And for every cry for justice
Dobiti dobar pendrek u tjeme
Get a good truncheon in your head
Pleme ti jebem, ne jedem zastave
Fuck your tribe, I don't eat flags
Stajem za ljude i stavove
I stand for people and attitudes
Jebes zgrade i drustveni mir
Fuck buildings and social peace
Kad tuzne price te zabole
When sad stories hurt you
Nado je glupane pricama
Hope is with stories, fool
Poslije obreda stvaranje odreda
After the ritual, the creation of squads
Biracko tijelo bezglavo
Headless electorate
Bez i jednog vlastitog pokreta
Without a single movement of their own
Balkan geto vladar rek'o
Balkan ghetto ruler said
S pravom, vjerom i tako je
With truth, faith and so it is
I mi cemo zatuci ego i vlast
And we will hammer the ego and power
Voditi srcima ratove
Wage wars with hearts
Dobijati rakove, udisati
Get cancers, inhale
Radiaktivne materije jesti govna, zivjeti mit o svojoj vrsti
Radioactive materials, eat shit, live the myth of your own kind
Velike ribe u lokvi pored mora
Big fish in a puddle by the sea
Budit se sretni jer smo stekli
Wake up happy because we've acquired
Svoj tor, monotonu sredinu
Our bag, a monotone environment
Gdje ima samo moj Bog
Where there is only my God
A hodzi je Bog novac, moc
But the god is money, power
Ne damo nikog vodzu svog
We don't give anyone to our leader
To ti je pranje mozga
That's brainwashing
Stanje bezumlja balkanskog
A state of Balkan madness


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