Krankšvester - DSMBIO - перевод текста песни на английский

DSMBIO - Kranksvesterперевод на английский

Opet si mi rekla da sam smrad
You told me I'm a jerk again
Zato što sam otiš'o sa ribama u grad
Because I went out with the girls to town
Kad bi samo znala kol'ko tvoja sumnja boli
If you only knew how much your suspicion hurts
Nemoj brinut, njih jebem, tebe volim
Don't worry, I fuck them, I love you
Kad se noću vratim smrdeći na grijeh
When I come home at night smelling of sin
Tvoje mekan topli dodir meni lijek
Your soft warm touch is my cure
I možda mi još uvijek kurac miriše na nju
And maybe my dick still smells like her
Ali tvoja ljubav, dušo, će uvijek biti tu - u srcu
But your love, baby, will always be there - in my heart
Slušaj me, ja nisam debil
Listen to me, I'm not an idiot
Poslije svake fufe se uvijek vraćam tebi
After every chick I always come back to you
S tobom uvijek iskren, nikad pizda
Always honest with you, never a pussy
Nikad skriv'o butre, svaki threesome priznam
Never hid any hoes, every threesome I confess
Oke, ne baš svaki, ali nemoj bit' u drami
Okay, not every one, but don't be dramatic
Njima dam salami, tebe vodim mami
I give them salami, I take you to mommy
One nikad neće imat' to što imaš ti
They'll never have what you have
One su pred klubom, a ti si VIP
They're in front of the club, and you're VIP
Šta me pitaš gdje sam bio?
What are you asking me where I've been?
Kao da sam nekad nešto od tebe ja krio
Like I ever hid anything from you
Šta me pitaš gdje sam bio?
What are you asking me where I've been?
Šta me pitaš gdje sam bio?
What are you asking me where I've been?
Kao da sam nekad nešto od tebe ja krio
Like I ever hid anything from you
Šta me pitaš gdje sam bio?
What are you asking me where I've been?
Čekaš me na vratima opet pitaš gdje sam
You're waiting for me at the door asking again where I've been
Prolazim bez pozdrava vidim da si bijesna
I pass by without greeting, I see you're angry
Opet se izdrkavaš zašto opet ne znam
You're freaking out again, why, I don't know
Sereš da sam pijan kučko ja sam trijezan
You're bitching that I'm drunk, bitch, I'm sober
Zašto mi to radiš jedan tren me voliš onda ti se gadim
Why are you doing this to me, one moment you love me then you're disgusted by me
Bilo šta da kažem ide ti na kurac
Anything I say pisses you off
Veza nam je igra i potreban je sudac
Our relationship is a game and it needs a referee
Kod nas ne postoji dogovor
There's no agreement between us
Ništa ne pitam jer već znam odgovor
I don't ask anything because I already know the answer
Za tebe sam kurva, za tebe sam kockar
For you I'm a whore, for you I'm a gambler
Za tebe pijandura, narkoman i klošar
For you a drunkard, a drug addict and a bum
Kažeš piše mi na čelu
You say it's written on my forehead
I da me svaki put uhvatiš na djelu
And that you catch me red-handed every time
Tražiš ogrebotine po mome tijelu
You're looking for scratches on my body
Ali sjeti se ženo da sam te upoznao u bordelu
But remember, woman, that I met you in a brothel
Šta me pitaš gdje sam bio?
What are you asking me where I've been?
Kao da sam nekad nešto od tebe ja krio
Like I ever hid anything from you
Šta me pitaš gdje sam bio?
What are you asking me where I've been?
Šta me pitaš gdje sam bio?
What are you asking me where I've been?
Kao da sam nekad nešto od tebe ja krio
Like I ever hid anything from you
Šta me pitaš gdje sam bio?
What are you asking me where I've been?
Šta me pitaš gdje sam bio?
What are you asking me where I've been?
Šta me pitaš gdje sam bio?
What are you asking me where I've been?
Šta me pitaš gdje sam bio?
What are you asking me where I've been?
Šta me pitaš gdje sam bio?
What are you asking me where I've been?

Авторы: Hrvoje Marjanovic, Davor Miletic

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