Krankšvester - Tream - перевод текста песни на английский

Tream - Kranksvesterперевод на английский

Tream kokaina
I crave cocaine, baby
Neću pive neću vina
I don't want beer, I don't want wine
Tream kokaina
I crave cocaine, girl
Ništa mrma ništ brzina
No weed, no speed, nothing mild
Tream kokaina
I crave cocaine, darling
Neću vode neću gina
I don't want water, I don't want gin
Tream kokaina
I crave cocaine, sweetheart
Tream da me nešto digne s poda brate
I crave it to lift me up off the floor, man
Reci mi dal ćeš ti biti vani oko tri
Tell me, will you be out around three?
Kad svi budu pijani mogli bi se družiti
When everyone's drunk, we could hang out, you and me
Tvoja ekipa, moja ekipa to jest tri pičke, tri tipa
Your crew, my crew, that is three chicks, three guys
Ništ ne pitaj, gin mi sipaj dok ne pukne cijela litra
Don't ask anything, pour me gin 'til the whole liter dies
Disko džokej je za kurac, glupe pjesme pušta
The DJ sucks, he plays stupid songs
Primjetio sam da mi curi krv iz oba uha
I noticed blood dripping from both my ears, it's wrong
Al nema veze pravimo se da je sve u redu
But it doesn't matter, we pretend everything's alright
Jer su oko nas tri ribe koje kažu da se jebu
'Cause there are three girls around us who say they wanna get laid tonight
To je bitno, samo to, ništa ljubav samo lov
That's what matters, only that, no love, just the chase
Već se vidim da sam gol, ona na meni, ja u njoj
I can already see myself naked, her on top, me in her space
Bit će dobro, al treba mi kokain
It'll be good, but I need cocaine
Nešto da me digne, samo jedan lajn
Something to lift me up, just one line, babe
Samo jedna crta jer mislim da sam mrtav
Just one line 'cause I think I'm dead
Nekoga ću ubit ako budem moro drkat
I'll kill someone if I have to jerk off instead
Tream kokaina
I crave cocaine
Neću pive neću vina
I don't want beer, I don't want wine
Tream kokaina
I crave cocaine
Ništa mrma ništ brzina
No weed, no speed, nothing mild
Tream kokaina
I crave cocaine
Neću vode neću gina
I don't want water, I don't want gin
Tream kokaina
I crave cocaine
Svaki dan tonem sve niže
Every day I sink lower and lower
Hvata me depra, niš' me ne diže
Depression's got me, nothing can lift me over
Tek je ponedjeljak, treba mi Isus
It's only Monday, I need Jesus
Dođe mi da zabijem nož u sisu
I feel like stabbing a knife into my titty, yes
I to lijevu
And that's the left one
Da si dokinem dotok krvi u klijetku
To stop the blood flow into the ventricle
Da mi srce prestane kucat
So my heart stops beating
Bogo-rogo-rodice kad će doć sutra?
Mother of God, when will tomorrow come greeting?
Čekam taj vikend da dođe što prije
I'm waiting for the weekend to come ASAP
Da odem u klub i pijem
To go to the club and drink a lap
Skupim njih dvije, odemo k meni
Pick up two girls, we go to my place
Bit će čarolija, šmrčemo lajne sa stolića
It'll be magic, snorting lines off the table's face
Šmrčem sa stola, šmrčem sa Kallaxa
Snorting off the table, snorting off the Kallax
Šmrčem sa svega, sve dok ne malaksam
Snorting off everything 'til I collapse
Ne znam s kim brijem, tko su te dvije
I don't know who I'm with, who are these two?
Samo se smijem, baš sam prebijen
Just laughing, I'm totally wasted, it's true
Uuuu, a onda se hrvamo
Woo, then we wrestle
Goli na podu
Naked on the floor
Gledam Mandalorian
Watching Mandalorian
I slatkog Baby Yodu
And the cute Baby Yoda, so adore
Onda se prcamo, možda i nećemo
Then we fuck, maybe we won't
Možda ni ne mogu, možda sam prećero
Maybe I can't, maybe I've overdone it, don't
A možda više uopće nisam ok
And maybe I'm not okay anymore
Smoke weed everyday
Smoke weed everyday

Авторы: Hrvoje Marjanovic, Davor Miletic

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